International Singers at the World Choir Games © Studi43

11th World Choir Games take place in autumn 2021

October 30 to November 7 to mark a turning point after a particularly difficult period

World Choir Games 2021

The World Choir Games, also known as the Olympics of Choral Music, will be held exceptionally in October/November. "Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. Corona will not get our choirs down! The Games will go on!": the Flemish government and INTERKULTUR decided to postpone the World Choir Games for a second time.

Minister Jambon explains: "Many people have sacrificed a lot and made efforts to get through pandemic last year. Also our thousands of choir singers in Flanders and all their enthusiastic fellow singers from all over the world. We have already had to postpone a fantastic event - the World Choir Games - once. Now, however, the summer period is also coming too soon. Choirs want to be able to rehearse, practice and work together towards the event for a few months, but that is not yet possible. Also, the numbers are still uncertain, even for many foreign choirs."

However, INTERKULTUR and the Flemish government have come together in the determination to give a perspective to the international singers also in these extraordinary times. With the decision to let the World Choir Games exceptionally take place in autumn, the Flemish government and INTERKULTUR react to the overall positive dynamics around the World Choir Games.

The decision to postpone is a decision about giving perspective, according to Minister-President and Minister of Culture Jan Jambon: "We are delighted that all partners have agreed to a feasible date, so that in 2021 we can still bring this top event to Flanders. It is a bright spot for many passionate singers at home and abroad who have been deprived of their stage for so long. I have felt an enormous urge to make this event happen, even in these special times.”

The health, welfare and safety of the participating choirs, the supporters who travel with them and the many fans and visitors in Flanders are and remain top priority. And although the scale of the event will obviously have to be adjusted, and some parts of the program will have to be reviewed again, all parties involved are welcoming this development as a turning point after a particularly difficult period. It will be a special – rather emotional – moment for everybody that will leave many deeply moved.

INTERKULTUR President Günter Titsch: “After months of restrictions, overcoming the crisis now seems within reach. I am very pleased that together with our partners in Flanders and especially through the personal support of Minister-President Jambon, we have found a good way to let the 11th World Choir Games 2021 take place with the greatest possible security for all participants. This fall we will show to everyone: The international choral world is back and will finally sing on a world stage again!”

The World Choir Games will have an innovative virtual component in addition to the live event. It was also the corona crisis that led to the move to the virtual. Koor&Stem drew up a digital concept for the development of a 'Virtual Village' for the World Choir Games. This tool enables all the choirs that are unable to participate in the 11th edition, to still actively participate in the Games. It involves not only streaming of the main events, workshops and concerts, but also international meetings and even competitions!

The Flemish Government, INTERKULTUR and Koor&Stem are ready to work together with the cities of Antwerp and Ghent to make the 11th edition of the World Choir Games from October 30 to November 7, 2021 an unforgettable event! They are convinced that all sponsors and partners will help compose this musical story. Together, they aim for nothing less than the best edition ever in the history of the World Choir Games.

All the details regarding the autumn edition of the World Choir Games 2021 are now available at

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