Akustika Chamber Singers win VOX LUCENSIS 2024
Celebrating the results of the choir competition in Lucca
It feels like only yesterday we kicked off the third edition of the international choir competition Vox Lucensis in the historic city of Lucca, and just like that, it's a wrap! After some days packed with competition performances our esteemed jury had chosen six outstanding choirs to compete again in the final Grand Prize Competition for the Vox Lucensis Choir Prize 2024:
• Akustika Chamber Singers, South Africa
• Konzertchor der Schule für Chorkunst München, Germany
• Männerchor 1891 Somborn e.V., Germany
• Silvitni, Faroe Islands
• South Denmark Girls' Choir, Denmark
• Torun Music School Youth Choir “Semper Iuvenes”, Poland
In the competition concert this afternoon in Lucca, all choirs presented their amazing talents in these last performances, and were supported by all participants in the event. But there’s only one that took home the Grand Prize 2024 and the €1500 reward that accompanies it:
Congratulations to
Akustika Chamber Singers from South Africa
conducted by Christo Burger
A thunderous applause for this incredible accomplishment!
And let's not forget to celebrate the victors in each category as well:
Category A1 Mixed Choirs - Difficulty Level I
Akustika Chamber Singers (South Africa)
conducted by Christo Burger
Category A2 Choirs of Equal Voices - Difficulty Level I
Männerchor 1891 Somborn e.V. (Germany)
conducted by Martin Trageser & Volker Bernhart
Category C2 Chamber Choirs & Vocal Ensembles of Equal Voices
Silvitni (Faroe Islands)
conducted by Cinthia Gonzalez Parada
Category G1 Children’s Choirs
Konzertchor der Schule für Chorkunst München (Germany)
conducted by Maksim Matsiushenkau
Category G2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices
South Denmark Girls' Choir (Denmark)
conducted by Mette Rasmussen
Category G3 Youth Choirs of Mixed Voices
Torun Music School Youth Choir "Semper Iuvenes" (Poland)
conducted by Renata Szerafin-Wójtowicz
Category S Musica Sacra a cappella
Akustika Chamber Singers (South Africa)
conducted by Christo Burger

For the full rundown of the results, the complete list is available for download here:
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