Learning from experts
Pedagogical offers which provide further possibilities to participate in the festival and share the experience for non-competing choirs are inherent parts of the World Choir Events. The MUSICA MUNDI® Academy unites the educational activities of INTERKULTUR within the INTERKULTUR Foundation. It serves the professional further education of the entire choral community and offers advanced training opportunities within the context of INTERKULTUR events, e.g. seminars for choral conductors.
These include lectures, workshops and master classes and are open to all choir conductors and choral music fans, regardless of their professional background and level.
The promotion of choral singing on an international level is one of the central concerns of INTERKULTUR. Pedagogical events took place, among others, in China, Germany, USA, Russia, Latvia, Austria, South Africa, Indonesia, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Sweden, Italy, Czech Republic, Portugal ... so far.