The INTERKULTUR World Rankings updated
The latest placings of the top choirs
After the last eventful competitions, the 2nd European Choir Games & Grand Prix of Nations 2015 in Magdeburg and the 9. Int. Johannes Brahms Choir Festival & Competition, we have updated the world rankings. All results from the recent competitions have now been added to the calculation. Therefore some surprising changes have occurred in the Top 1000 and the different categories. We have briefly summarized the most important shifts in the World Ranking:
Top 1000:
The Choir University of Houston Moores School Concert Chorale from the USA (conductor: Betsy Cook Weber) is brand new in the Top 10 of the World Rankings. Due to their successful participation in the Grand Prix of Nations in Magdeburg 2015 the choir has reached 1165 points. So the group takes the 3rd Place of the Top 1000, together with the choir Guangdong Experimental Middle School Choir from China. Congratulations to this outstanding success!
Children's and Youth Choirs:
Also in this category the youth choir University of Houston Moores School Concert Chorale from the USA (conductor: Betsy Cook Weber) achieved an excellent result: we congratulate the new 1st Place in this category!
Mixed Choirs:
We are proud to announce the new 3rd Place in this category: The choir Akustika Chamber Singers from South Africa, conducted by Christo Burger!
Female Choirs:
The Norwegian choir Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening from Oslo, under the direction of Marit Bodsberg, was placed first in this category. A great result!
Male Choirs:
With its outstanding competition program at the Int. Johannes Brahms Choir Festival & Competition the Müller Chamber Choir from Chinese Taipei (conductor: Meng-Hsien Peng) has reached the 7th Place in the category Male Choirs.
Pop, Jazz, Gospel, Spiritual & Barbershop Choirs:
With the successful participation at the European Choir Games & Grand Prix of Nations the young singers of the Barnsley Youth Choir from Great Britain (conductor: Mathew Wright) have rightly deserved the 8th Place in this category. Congratulations!
Also present in this category: The Norway Choir Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening from Oslo with its conductor Marit Bodsberg. With its performance in Magdeburg 2015 the choir reached place 4.
Furthermore we are happy to congratulate the Müller Chamber Choir on the 7th Place.
Both choirs have impressed the jury with their performances. Great job!
The entire World Ranking with all points achieved can be viewed on our website.
All competitions have been carried out according to the MUSICA MUNDI quality seal. This makes an impressive overall comparison of all choirs that have participated in INTERKULTUR competitions possible.