Barbara Scheel, wife of former German President Walter Scheel, deceased

INTERKULTUR commemorates wife of Honorary President


On July 08, 2023, the birthday of former German President and INTERKULTUR Honorary President Walter Scheel, his wife Barbara Scheel (née Wiese) passed away at the age of 84.

It is with great sadness that INTERKULTUR takes leave of an esteemed companion. Walter Scheel, as well as his wife Barbara, were friends and great supporters of choral music. Until his death in 2016, Walter Scheel stood by INTERKULTUR with advice and support for many years and intervened wherever he could to support the idea of choral competitions and festivals that bring people together. Always at his side, his wife Barbara, who remained closely connected to INTERKULTUR even after Scheel's death. Unforgotten for INTERKULTUR are the evenings spent together with Walter and Barbara Scheel as well as Gotthilf Fischer, who has also already passed away.

 "We have greatly appreciated Barbara Scheel as a companion of INTERKULTUR over the past decades and our thoughts are with her family. We will honor the memory of the couple Scheel" said INTERKULTUR President Günter Titsch today.

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