"Los World Choir Games ofrecen únicas experiencias musicales y culturales. La evaluación de los concursos y los talleres, ofertas pedagógicas y la competencia profesional son de nivel lo alto posible."

X World Choir Games
Tshwane 2018: ¡Por la primera vez los World Choir Games estarán en Áfrika!
¡En el año 2018 celebramos el 30 aniversario de INTERKULTUR y la decima edcición de los World Choir Games!
La fiesta del aniversario del concurso coral internacional más grande del mundo será un estreno: por la primera vez un evento de INTERKULTUR tendrá lugar en el continente africano.
¡Sean bienvenidas a Tshwane, a Sudáfrika!
Les invitamos a todos los coros aficionados a pasar once días encontrándose en los concursos, conciertos de la amistad y proyectos diversos a los cantantes de todo el mundo.
Disfruten el ambiente, el tempramento muy especial y el ánimo de la música coral sudafricana, comparten su pasión por el canto y encuentren un nuevo fuente de la inspiración.
Opciones de participación
Los World Choir Games invitan a participar a todos los coros amateurs del mundo. Los World Choir Games ofrecen una competición justa y en igualdad de condiciones, tanto a los coros experimentados como a aquellos que cuentan con menos experiencia a nivel internacional. Los World Choir Games se componen de dos competiciones: “La Competición de Campeones o The Champions Competition” y “La Competición Abierta o The Open Competition”. Estas dos competiciones ofrecen a los coros la oportunidad de concursar en un nivel adecuado a ellos.
Los coros, que no desean participar en ningún concurso, tienen la posibilidad de tomar parte de proyectos numerosos del festival, de actuar en los conciertos de la amistad o de aprovechar de las rondas de asesoramiento, los ensayos con un director de prestigio internacional o los talleres, que habrá en los World Choir Games.
“La Competición de Campeones/ The Champions Competition” está dirigida a coros que cuenten con experiencia en competiciones internacionales y/o cualificaciones equiparables (ver A1 en la folleto "Información de las competiciones").
Siguiendo el principio de los World Choir Games que dice así: “la participación es siempre el mayor honor”, “la Competición Abierta” ofrece a todos los coros, independientemente de su actual nivel artístico, la posibilidad de recopilar experiencias de gran valor en una competición internacional. El folleto "Información de las competiciones" les ofrece a Uds. una descripción completa de los distintos tipos de competiciones.
En ambos partes del concurso habrá 27 categorías diferentes, para que los coros participantes puedan elegir entre ellos las categorías apropiadas:
The Champions Competition | The Open Competition |
C1 Coros de niños pequeños | O1 Coros de niños pequeños |
C2 Coros infantiles / Coros de varones mixtos | O2 Coros infantiles / Coros de varones mixtos |
C3 Coros juveniles de voces iguales | O3 Coros juveniles de voces iguales |
C4 Coros masculinos jóvenes | O4 Coros masculinos jóvenes |
C5 Coros mixtos juveniles | O5 Coros mixtos juveniles |
C6 Coros de la universidad y de escuelas superioras (voces mixtas y iguales) | O6 Coros de la universidad y de escuelas superioras (voces mixtas y iguales) |
C7 Conjuntos vocales (voces mixtas y iguales) | O7 Conjuntos vocales (voces mixtas y iguales) |
C8 Coros de cámara mixtas | O8 Coros de cámara mixtas |
C9 Coros mixtos | O9 Coros mixtos |
C10 Coros de cámara femeninos | O10 Coros de cámara femeninos |
C11 Coros femeninos | O11 Coros femeninos |
C12 Coros de cámara masculinos | O12 Coros de cámara masculinos |
C13 Coros masculinos | O13 Coros masculinos |
C14 Coros de séniores 55+ | O14 Coros de séniores 55+ |
C15 Música Sacra a capela | O15 Música Sacra a capela |
C16 Música Sacra con acompañamiento | O16 Música Sacra con acompañamiento |
C17 Música de las religiones | O17 Música de las religiones |
C18 Música Contemporánea | O18 Música Contemporánea |
C19 Jazz | O19 Jazz |
C20 Gospel | O20 Gospel |
C21 Espiritual | O21 Espiritual |
C22 Conjuntos de pop | O22 Conjuntos de pop |
C23 Coros de pop | O23 Coros de pop |
C24 Música popular escénica / Show Choirs | O24 Música popular escénica / Show Choirs |
C25 Folclore a capela | O25 Folclore a capela |
C26 Folclore con acompañamiento | O26 Folclore con acompañamiento |
C27 Folclore escénico | O27 Folclore escénico |
Se puede descargar el folleto con una discripción de las categorías de la competición más detallada:
Información de las competiciones(1.1 MB)
BI – Ronda de asesoramiento para los coros, que no participan en los concursos
Los coros que participan aquí, cantarán un programa compuesto de tres obras ante un jurado internacional, con un tiempo máximo de actuación de 15 minutos. Al finalizar el programa, los expertos corales realizarán una breve evaluación interna y seguidamente estos discutirán el programa con el coro, en un ambiente distendido y familiar.
El coro recibirá consejos sobre la interpretación, además de recomendaciones para futuras participaciones en competiciones internacionales. El coro obtendrá un certificado oficial de participación en los World Choir Games.
BII – Ensayo con un director de prestigio internacional
Todos los coros tendrán la posibilidad de realizar un ensayo con un director internacional de renombre, independientemente de si participan en la competición o no.
Los coros interesados en participar en este ensayo, deberán prepararse una obra coral. Un experto en música coral de prestigio internacional ensayará esa obra con el coro para propocionarle nuevas ideas artísticas. A los coros que no vayan a participar en competición, se les otorgará un certificado y recomendaciones para su futura participación en eventos de INTERKULTUR.
CI - Conciertos de la amistad
Como marca la tradición de los World Choir Games, los coros tendrán la oportunidad de participar en numerosos conciertos y actuaciones en público. Los Conciertos de la Amistad Internacional (International Friendship Concerts) reunirán a los más diversos coros, ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de cantar en diferentes lugares públicos de la ciudad anfitriona de Tshwane y sus alrededores. De este modo, los coros tendrán la oportunidad de presentar las tradiciones y costumbres musicales de su tierra natal.
CII - Coro de festival
La ceremonia de cierre es punto de culminación emocional, que hará los 10. World Choir Games inolvidables. A continuación de esta ceremonia la bandera de los World Choir Games será pasada al alcalde de la ciudad anfitriona próxima. Después en la sala habrá una presentación coral de nivel altísimo. Un coro inmenso, formado solo para este evento, cantará junto a solistas y orquesta obras populares desde el "Halleluja" clásico hasta las ediciones de conocidos éxitos actuales. Como en la „Last night of the Proms“ ya estableció una tradición que bajo el título „CHORAL FIREWORKS“ se presenta una serie de canciones populares de todos los continentes. La noche fulminante termina con canciones populares y „We are the world“, los que todos los presentes pueden cantar y bailar como les gusta a ellos.
El comité artístico se reserva el derecho de aprobación final de la selección de los coros. Las obras deben ser ensayadas de antemano y los coros participantes deben llegar a los ensayos finales ya preparados.
Los World Choir Games ofrecen a los participantes interesados un montón de talleres y seminarios que tendrán lugar durante del evento. En estos talleres y seminarios los coros, los directores y personas privadas podrán familizarse con la literatura coral internacional, estilos diferentes de cantar y con diversas prácticas de escenario. La colaboración con otros cantantes bajo la dirección profesional puede abrir sus sentidos para experiencia coral completamente nueva.
"¡Me hace tan feliz! Muchos coros fantásticos de Sudáfrica, que no tienen dinero para viajar a otros países, tienen la posibilidad de participar, compartir las ideas y formar parte del espectáculo coral más grande del mundo. ¡Bien hecho, INTERKULTUR!"
"Sí, ¡Riga fue fantástica! Una vivencia como ninguna otra. La organización en general y la atención detallada fueron muy impresionantes - ¡famosa precisión alemana!"
"Permítanme repertirles que ¡ha sido un gran placer trabajar con ustedes durente todo el año! Se puede ver en las fotós que fue un festival maravilloso y ¡los estudiantes pasaban tiempo fantástico!"
"¡Vivan los World Choir Games! ¡Tygerberg Children's Choir está muy orgulloso de estar asociado con ellos y espera a albergar en breve esta competición maravillosa en Sudáfrica!"
"Como soy un africano y un músico, formar parte de su organización maravillosa es un honor para mí. Es el tiempo para nosotros, gente africano, de que trabajen en conjunto para promover en todos los países africanos su idea fantástica."
"Me siento honrado y agradecido por formar parte de este increible equipo de trabajo. Estoy seguro que los próximos dos años que nos alejan de los 10 World Choir Games y el 30 aniversario de INTERKULTUR estarán llenos de eventos exitosos."
Información para la inscripción
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¿Les interesa la participación en este tipo del evento? Entonces sólo tiene que consultar el resumen para ver cuando este evento tendrá lugar la próxima vez. También se puede encontrar más destinos y fechas de nuestros eventos internacionales.
Únase al boletín de INTERKULTUR
Festivales, competiciones corales, proyectos de cantar juntos: aprende más sobre las oportunidades de actuación especiales con el gratuito boletín de INTERKULTUR.

Detalles del evento

University of Pretoria - Musaion

Competition categories: O/C9, O/C8, O/C11, C13, C14, O/C18
Address: Lynnwood Rd, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa
The University of Pretoria (Afrikaans: Universiteit van Pretoria, Northern Sotho: Yunibesithi ya Pretoria) is a multi-campus public research university in Pretoria, the administrative and de facto capital of South Africa.
Built as a designated complex to provide facilities for the Department of Music which was established in 1958, this structure consists of office wings, an auditorium and an open-air amphitheatre. UP alumnus and architect Brian Sandrock was responsible for the design of the facility which was built on part of the old athletics field. Remnants of the spectator terraces around the track can still be seen to the east of the Musaion. The office wing of the complex was completed in 1960 and the auditorium and amphitheatre the following year. The complex was officially opened with a series of concerts in 1961 and in April 1962 with a gala concert featuring South African opera star Mimi Coertse and the South African Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Concert. The complex features elements of the Little Brazilian or Modern Brazilian style and has excellent acoustics. In 1976 the University installed a mechanical-action pipe organ in the Musaion that consists of 2 659 organ pipes, of which the tallest measures 4,9 metres. The Musaion seats just over 500 people and the amphitheatre around 3 000. Free weekly lunch-hour concerts are held in the Musaion during term. Together with the Aula, the Musaion and Amphitheatre the complex is an important cultural venue on the University campus.
Source: able.wiki.up.ac.za

University of Pretoria - Aula Theatre

Competition categories: O/C25, O/C26, O27
Address: Lynnwood Rd, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa
The University of Pretoria (Afrikaans: Universiteit van Pretoria, Northern Sotho: Yunibesithi ya Pretoria) is a multi-campus public research university in Pretoria, the administrative and de facto capital of South Africa.
The main hall and site of ceremonies, the Aula, was designed by Karel Jooste and completed in 1958. The Aula was the first Opera House to be built in the capital and remained the major venue in the city until the State Theatre's completion in the early 1980s. The 1012-seat auditorium has played host to foreign dignitaries, presidents, local and international artists. The main music complex, comprising the 500-seat Musaion and 3000-seat Amphitheatre, was built between 1960–1964. The University Chapel, formally the Church of Saint Alfons Maria de Liguori, and the accompanying Monastery was built in 1925 and was bought from the Catholic Church in 1980. Saint Alfons, who was canonised in 1839, was the founder of the order of Ligournians (or Redemptorists), an order founded in 1732 in Naples, Italy and dedicated to helping underprivileged communities.
Source: en.wikipedia.org

St. Alban’s Cathedral

Competition categories: O/C7, O/C15, O/C16, O/C21
Address: St. Alban's Cathedral, 327 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria City Centre, Tshwane, South Africa
The St Albans Cathedral in a historical context relates to the separation of the Diocese clergy into various fragments around the nation. Tomkyns (1929: 7) describes the origins of the Anglican liturgy in South Africa as being the Diocese of the Cape of Good Hope, which was subsequently divided in 1853. Ledwaba (2005: 22) explains that in 1806 when the Cape was colonised by the British, a colonial garrison chaplain began regular services.
As explained by Reverend Brian Tee, the Cathedral parish dates back to 1864 with the annual arrival of Bishop Twells who’s Diocese extended from the Orange River to the Zambezi River. His congregation was dispersed and separated until the stationing of Reverend Joseph Wills who gathered the congregation into one unity which could be seen in the plan of the city when the cathedral was completed. Later, in 1873, applications to construct the first Anglican Church in Church Street were submitted and were at first rejected by Government officials. This resulted in the construction of the “small, plain, thatched barn-like structure with a seating capacity of about a hundred people” (Tomkyns, 1929: 12) by the Royal Engineers.
Source: able.wiki.up.ac.za

ZK Matthews Great Hall (UNISA)

Competition categories: O/C1, O/C3, O/C4, O/C10, O/C17
Address: 330 Preller St, Groenkloof 358-Jr, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
- Large auditorium with 970 seats
- Located on the Unisa Muckleneuk Campus in the Theo van Wijk Building (enter through main entrance)
- Wheel chair entrance located around the corner at Goldfields Entrance
- After hours there is ample covered parking available
Photos: Bill Davies (SA), INTERKULTUR
Source: www.unisa.ac.za

State Theatre - Opera House

Competition categories: O/C19, O/C20, O/C22, O/C23, O/C24, C27
Address: 320 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
The South African State Theatre is a national flagship that facilitates the arts and entertainment and encourages diverse cultural provision; we seek to play a unique and vital role in the cultural life of the Nation, the Province of Gauteng and the City of Tshwane.
The Opera House is the largest of six theatres, seating 1,300 patrons on three levels in- cluding a balcony. It has an orchestra pit that can be adjusted to accommodate up to 60 musicians. The seating has been arranged to provide excellent views of the stage from any vantage point. Continental style seating has been adopted, offering two entrance/exit doors for every four rows of seats to facilitate ease of entrance and exit of patrons. Capacity: 1300 seats.
Source: www.statetheatre.co.za

Pretoria Boys High School - The Desmond Abernethy Hall

Competition categories: O/C2, O/C5, O/C6, O14
Address: Pretoria Boys High School, Roper Street, Brooklyn, Tshwane, South Africa
Pearcy Eagle is one of the lesser known South African architects, and also one of the fewer appreciated ones. Eagle’s style is much influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement and the work of Sir Herbert Baker. Eagle was one of the architects at the forefront of the new developments in architecture, and was an architect of the 20th rather than the 19th century. Few works of architecture was born in a changing era and had the enduring grace of the buildings like Pretoria Boys High School. Pretoria Boys High School would be the embodiment of their philosophy and therefore it was fitting that among the first boys who attended the school were the sons of General Smuts and other prominent political leaders. Source: able.wiki.up.ac.za

Òscar Boada (España)
- Artistic Director and founder of the children's choir "Cor Vivaldi-Petits Cantors de Catalunya" (Ambassador 2017 IFCM)
- Pianist, pedagogue and conductor
- Adjudicator in international competitions
- Artistic Director of the festival "Canta al Mar" in Calella since 2017
- Member of the World Choir Council

Inessa Bodyako (Belarus)
- Chairperson of the Belarusian Choral Directors Association and Head of the Choral Conducting Department of the Belarusian State Academy of Music
- Author and initiator of a great number of choral projects in Belarus including Open Conductor’s Competition named after V. Rovdo, Choral pages of the XX-th century, etc.
- Regularly invited specialist for lectures and master classes on Russian, Belarusian Orthodox and modern choral music in Europe, Russia and China
- Adjudicator, conductor and teacher of conducting and developer of “choral theater” in Belarus

Renette Bouwer (South Africa)
- Conductor University of Johannesburg (UJ) Choir and Afrikaans Hoër Meisies Pretoria (AHMP) Choir
- Composer and arranger
- Soloist, organist
- Adjudicator and clinician

Robert Cooper (Canada)
- Artistic Director Orpheus Choir of Toronto, Chorus Niagara, Opera in Concert Chorus and the Ontario Male Chorus
- Recognized guest conductor, clinician and adjudicator
- Recipient of the Order of Canada, Honourary Doctorate (Brock University), Queens Jubilee Medal, Distinguished Service Award (Choral Canada) for contribution to the Canadian choral community

Hannelize du Plessis (South Africa)
- Presenter of Choir Workshops / Voice coaching
- Adjudicator of National ATKV Choir Competition / eisteddfods
- Conductor of various Children and Youth Choir’s / Previous champions at Choir Games
- National award winner for developing / promoting choral singing among the youth

Peter Habermann (Germany)
- Singing teacher, juror
- Artistic Director of the Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode
- Representative of Music Education at the Landesgymnasium für Musik Saxony-Anhalt
- Founder of the "Kammerchor Wernigerode"

Lungile Jacobs (South Africa)
- Composer, arranger, adjudicator, voice trainer and producer of choral, classical and jazz music concerts
- Founding Director of Voices of Cape Town, Ingoma Music Ministries and Township Opera Company
- Former Founding member of South African Choral Music Association (SACMA), South African Tertiary Institutions Choral Association (SATICA) and Western Cape Choral Music Association (WECCMA)
- Chairman and Conductor of "Young Voices South Africa"
- Member of the IFCM
- Current President of Choral Music Federation of South Africa (COMFESA)

Marvin Kernelle (South Africa)
- Judge on TV Show "Varsity Sing" for KykNet, South Africa
- Chorus Master at Cape Town Opera
- Voice Teacher at University Of Western Cape, Performing Arts Centre
- Chorus Member of Internationally Acclaimed Opera Chorus at Cape Town Opera

Primož Kerštanj (Eslovenia)
- Director del premiado coro femenino Carmen manet - el ganador del Eurovision Choir of the Year 2017
- Director artístico del centro musical DO RE MI en Bled
- Miembro del jurado internacional
- Arreglista musical

Mokale Koapeng (South Africa)
- Conductor of the Meadowlands Zone 3 Church Choir of the Seventh-day Adventist, Clusters of the Harvest, and the internationally acclaimed SDASA Chorale
- Associate conductor of the Oregon Adventist Men’s Chorus
- Former conductor of the University of Pretoria Chorale
- Jury member of the Southern African Music Rights Organisation Overseas Scholarship for piano and composition
- Past president of NewMusic South Africa, the south African chapter of the International Society of Contemporary Music
- Taught counterpoint and composition at the University of the Witwatersrand and the University of South Africa

Bernard Krüger (South Africa)
- Artistic Director of the Drakensberg Boys Choir School, South Africa (WCG Champions 2018)
- Former Director of the Kearsney College Choir (WCG Champions 2012 and 2014)
- Composer and arranger of choral and instrumental music
- Frequent clinician, workshop facilitator, guest conductor

Steen Lindholm (Dinamarca)
- member of the World Choir Council
- choral and orchestral conductor
- former choirmaster at The Royal Danish Opera
- former Artistic Director of the Copenhagen Concert Society and The Danish Boys Choir
- international adjudicator, conductor and guest lecturer
- jury member at ten editions of the World Choir Games and Senior Advisor of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Mohau Mogale (South Africa)
- Director of "Sound of the Nation Choir" 2016 Large category National champions (OMNCF)
- Director of "Bagale Chorus" Large category North West Champions 2010-2015 (OMNCF)
- Directed the International Children Outreach Ministries Honours Chorus of South Africa in 2008-2012 in USA
- A conductor, composer, facilitator, accompanist, choral practitioner and coach, adjudicator of many choral events in South Africa and neighboring countries
- Head of Music at Soshanguve Secondary School

Felix Nassi (Benin)
- Conductor of the "Choir and Orchestra of the University of Abomey-Calavi"
- Founder and director of several choirs, among them the "Children's Choir of Bénin"
- Created the festival "Les Rencontres Polyphoniques du Bénin"
- Guest conductor and lecturer
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Mbuso Ndlovu (South Africa)
- African Musical Arts Specialist in African Music and Dance, including marimba and African percussion, African traditional and indigenous music
- Adjudicator, conductor and music director
- Active composer and arranger

Shin-Hwa Park (República de Corea)
- member of the World Choir Council
- Professor Emeritus of Music at Ewha Womans University
- Director of Ewha Chamber Choir and conducted Ansan City Choir for 25 years
- President of KCMA (Korea Church Music Association)
- Broadcasting host of FEBC FM
- Artistic Director of 2023 World Choir Games
- received the 2021 University of Colorado Distinguished Choral Alumnus Award

Aarne Saluveer (Estonia)
- Conductor, producer, educator, founder/Artistic Director of Estonian Television Girl’s and Children’s Choir
- Artistic Director of European Film Awards TV-live Gala, HM Elizabeth II and their Majesties Japanese Emperor and Empress State Visit Concerts.
- Worked with Michael Jackson, world premieres and recordings of Arvo Pärt, Veljo Tormis, Urmas Sisask, Roxanna Panufnik /BBC, WDR, Danish Radio etc.
- Guidoneum Award of Arezzo Foundation, Order of White Star of the Republic of Estonia, Prize of the UNICEF National Committee, Musician of the Year by Estonian National Broadcast
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Nomusa Seleke (South Africa)
- Founder of South African Vocal Ensemble
- Founder of Drumming and Umakhweyane ensemble
- Director of the University of Zululand Choir and voice lecturer
- Seasoned adjudicator on choral and cultural music

Phindile Shongwe (South Africa)
- Receiver of the 1996 Elizabeth Cornell/Samro Award,for Best Voice Student at Wits University
- One of the founder members of the South African Tertiary Institutions Choral Association
- A fully recognised,dedicated contributor towards discovering and unleashing singing talent in Southern African Schools(Workshop facilitator, adjudicator and trainer)
- Member of the panel of adjudicators,for the leading Southern African Eisteddfod-The Old Mutual National Choir Festival

André J. Thomas (USA)
- Professor of Choral Music Education at Florida State University
- Artistic Director of the Tallahassee Community Chorus
- Author, composer, arranger and two instructional videos
- Robert Shaw Award (highest honor bestowed by ACDA)
- Lifetime Achievement award NCCO
- Extensive international conducting and adjudicating credits

Andile Tokwe (South Africa)
- Choir Development Officer of ABC Motsepe Schools Choral Eisteddfod (Buffalo City Metropolitan District)
- Co-Founder and President of Euphoric Utterances Chorale (EUCHO)
- Conductor of Uviwe Senior Secondary School
- Silver Medallist at ATKV Applous with Uviwe Senior Secondary School Choir (2013)
- Province of the Eastern Cape’s Representative with Uviwe Senior Secondary School Choir at ABC Motsepe Schools Choral Eisteddfod (2017)
- Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of SIA Music Promotions

Junita van Dijk (South Africa)
- For 25 years she was Founder and Director of the multi-cultural “Nelson Mandela
University Choir” (formerly NNMU Choir) selected to perform e.g. as guest choir at the fi rst IFCM World Choir Expo – China/Macao SAR in 2015 - She pioneered and elevated the performance of authentic, traditional African Music to a theatrical level
- First prize winner of the „Internationaler Chorwettbewerb“ in Spittal an der Drau, Austria in 2009
- She started the Choral Conducting Department at the Nelson Mandela University with the late Kare Hanken and the Norges Korforbund, Norway in 2000 to empower formerly disadvantaged teachers and create a platform for young talented conductors nationally
- Member of the Artistic Committee of the 12th IFCM World Choral Symposium,
Barcelona in 2017

Mathew Wright (Gran Bretaña)
- founder and Artistic Director of the award winning Barnsley Youth Choir, a community choir of 650 members based in an area of significant deprivation
- has worked in Education at Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and University levels as an Advanced Skills Teacher, Advisory Teacher and as a Regional Director of Education for a large Education Trust
- composer and arranger
- in demand internationally as a clinician, workshop leader, conductor and adjudicator

Eric Banks (USA)
- Founder of The Esoterics, a professional-caliber chamber choir in Seattle that specializes in contemporary choral music, director of this ensemble for 25 years
- Holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Choral Conducting and Music Theory from Yale and the University of Washington
- Fulbright Fellow in choral music in Stockholm, performed with Swedish Radio Choir and Eric Ericson Kammarkör
- Winner of the 2010 Dale Warland Singers Commission, as well as awards from Chorus America, New Music USA, and the National Endowment for the Arts

Virginia Bono (Argentina)
- Founder and Artistic Director of “Estudio Coral Meridies”, an award winning-choir that has represented Latin America in several international festivals
- Conductor of children and youth choirs at the “Instituto Coral de Santa Fe”, Argentina
- Jury member and clinician at numerous international festivals in Europe and Latin America.
- Professor of Choral conducting at “Tactus – Grupo de Estudio de Dirección Coral”
- Various publications on Latin American choral music and editor of the coral series “Latin American Choral Music” (Música Coral Latinoamericana)

Jürgen Budday (Alemania)
- Fundador y director artístico del coro de cámara «Maulbronner Kammerchor» y del «Kantorei Maulbronn» hasta 2016 y, desde 1979 hasta 2013, director artístico del festival «Klosterkonzerte Maulbronn».
- Ha grabado más de 20 CD con el «Maulbronner Kammerchor», incluidos 10 oratorios de G.F. Händel, que fueron galardonados con el Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Ring 2013
- Presidente del consejo asesor del Consejo Alemán de la Música y director artístico y presidente del jurado del Deutscher Chorwettbewerb (2002 - 2019)
- Desde 2014 Director artístico del Internationaler Kammerchor-Wettbewerb Marktoberdorf
- Presidente del consejo asesor del «Bundesjugendchor de Alemania», fundado recientemente por el Consejo Alemán de la Música
- Miembro del consejo asesor del World Choir Council

Guanghui Chen (China)
- member of the World Choir Council
- National First Class Conductor (rank of professional title in China)
- President of Shenzhen Chorus Association
- founder and Artistic Director of Shenzhen Star Bright Choir
- founder and Director of Guangdong international choral pedagogic education project
- directed many choirs which have won champion titles in numerous choral competitions, both home and abroad in past few decades

Soundarie David Rodrigo (Sri Lanka)
- Pianist, choral director, music educator, intellectual property lawyer, adjudicator
- Founder of "Soul Sounds", Sri Lanka's premiere female ensemble, and Soul Sounds Academy, one of Sri Lanka's leading music educational institutions
- Specialized in piano performance and piano accompaniment at the Royal College of Music in London
- Completed her master degree in Law at University of California, Berkeley, specializing in Entertainment Law
- Was one of the judges for the franchised talent show "Sri Lanka's Got Talent"
- Plays an important role in the promotion of culture and arts in Sri Lanka and the region
- Received the SAARC Women of Achievement Award, the Zonta Award, the Bunka Award presented by the Japan/Sri Lanka Association and most recently the Women in Management Award 2019/2020 for Arts and Creative Industry
- Member of the World Choir Council

Aharon Harlap (Israel)
- One of Israel's most prominent composers and conductors
- Composer of more than 100 compositions, including choral and chamber music, operas, concerti, oratorios and symphonic music, many of which have been performed not only in Israel, but worldwide.
- Awarded the Prime Minister's Award for Composition in 1997 and again in 2015
- Recipient of ACUM Award for Life Achievement in Israel
- Harlap received the prestigious Azrieli Music Prize (AMP)-2022 for Jewish Music for his composition "Out of the Depths have I cried unto Thee Lord", for soprano and orchestra.
- Guest conductor of the major orchestras in Israel, including the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
- Member of the World Choir Council

Paul Holley (Australia)
clinician, adjudicator, choral educator
- Principal Conductor of Gondwana Chorale (national youth choir)
- Associate Director of Voices of Birralee and conductor of Birralee Blokes and Resonance of Birralee
- secondary school choral director at Brisbane Girls Grammar School
- awarded a Medal in the Order of Australia for services to choral music in Australia

Támas Lakner (Ungarn)
- Professor at the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts - University of Pécs, teaching choral conducting and the Kodály method.
- Conductor of the Béla Bartók Male Choir and the University Choir of Pécs as well as one of the conductors of the EuroChoir 2013 session.
- Artistic leader of the highly acclaimed European Winesong Festivals organized for male choirs.
- In 2007 he was awarded the Liszt-Prize, the highest distinction for performing artists in Hungary.

Mia Makaroff (Finlandia)
- choral composer and arranger, whose music has been internationally sung by many well-known vocal groups and choirs such as Rajaton, King's Singers, Cantus
- experienced music teacher, choral conductor and a grounder of the Vivace Choirs and Ocarina Choirs and actively co-operating with many choral theme projects
- lecturer and teacher of composing master classes, clinician specially with children singing, rhythm and creativity in choirs
- founder and producer of the nationwide MunKuoro (MyChoir) -network in Finland for un-auditioned children and youth choirs

Maria Emma Meligopoulou (Grecia)
- Profesora adjunta de dirección coral en la Escuela Superior de Música y Coros Artísticos de la Universidad de Macedonia, Tesalónica, Directora de los Coros Universitarios
- Fundadora y Directora Artística de la Organización Coral Ss. Cyril & Methodios Choral Organization, conocida por sus numerosas distinciones internacionales y colaboraciones regulares con la Orquesta Estatal de Tesalónica y producciones de Ópera.
- Directora artística del Festival de Coros Infantiles y Juveniles de la Sala de Conciertos de Salónica.
- Directora artística del Concurso Coral Internacional Tassos Pappas.
- Jurado internacional, clínico y conferenciante a petición.
- Autora de libros de texto corales, ediciones de partituras corales y publicaciones académicas
- Miembro del Consejo Coral Mundial INTERKULTUR
- Miembro del Consejo Asesor del World Choir Council

Dapeng Meng (China)
- Director of the Children's Chorus Committee of of China Chorus Association
- Vice President of the World Youth Chorus Artists Association
- Has served as the Artistic Director and full-time conductor of the prestigious China Youth Radio Choir for 37 years
- Played a leading role in the planning of China International Chorus Festival, the CCTV Youth Song Competition Chorus Competition and the China Children's Chorus Festival
- Founder of the "Deep Space Chorus" brand and "Deep Space Youth Choir"
- Member of the World Choir Council

Jan Míšek (República Checa)
- Graduate of several master classes under Bachakademie Stuttgart with Prof. Helmuth Rilling
- His professors of conducting were Professor Jiří Skopal (University of Hradec Králové) and Doctor Vlastislav Novák (Conservatory Pardubice).
- Founder and conductor of the "Bonifantes Boys Choir"
- Has been presented with a number of awards for outstanding conducting performance and his choir won dozens of gold medals at various international competitions.
- Artistic Director of a professional ensemble "Czech Soloist Consort"
- Involved in composing activities and acknowledged by experts for his interpretation of 20th century music and for historically authentic interpretation of baroque music
- Member of the World Choir Council

Donka Miteva (Bulgaria/Alemania)
- Donka Miteva studied orchestra conducting at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf and Choral conducting at the State Academy of Music in Sofia.
- She was awarded scholarships from the Richard Wagner Society, the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, the European Academy Montepulciano and the Noel Minet Foundation.
- Donka Miteva worked with numerous ensembles in Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Czech republic, Hungary, Portugal , China, South Africa a.o.
- 2007 – 2011 she was a Conductor and Choir Director at the State Opera in Münster, Germany.
- She was awarded the 1st Prize at the 7th Int. Competition for young conductors in St. Petersburg, the 3rd Prize at the 5th Int. Conducting Competition Jeunesse Musicales in Bucharest a.o.
- Since October 2011 Donka Miteva is appointed Artistic Director and Conductor of Collegium Musicum Berlin where she conducts two Symphony Orchestras, an Oratorio Choir and a chamber choir.
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council.

Johan Rooze (Netherlands)
- Artistic Director at INTERKULTUR, Germany.
- Teacher of Jazz piano and Choir at Yeongnam University in Daegu, South-Korea.
- Founder and conductor of the Daegu Jazz Singers in Daegu, South Korea.
- International adjudicator, clinician-, seminar- and workshop-leader.
- Former conductor and artistic director of student Vocal Jazz Group „Dekoor“ and the Student Symphonic Choir and Orchestra (USKO) of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Former professor for Choral Conducting at the Conservatory of Alkmaar and Vocal Jazz at the Conservatory of Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
- Member of INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Myguel Santos e Castro (Portugal)
- Studied music since he was 6 years old and conducted choirs and music bands since he was a teenager
- Studied in various workshops and masterclasses about choral/orchestral conducting and vocal techniques, both in Portugal and abroad, along with the most influential conductors worldwide
- During his musical studies graduated in management and public administration at Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP)
- Due to his work as an Artistic Director, he has developed an intensive and passionate career in different choral events and workshops
- Involved in different national (radio, TV and cinema) and international projects and is project founder of "VOX LACI"
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Beverly Shangkuan-Cheng (Filipinas)
- President of the Philippine Choral Directors Association
- Artistic Director of the International Bamboo Organ Festival
- Associate Professor at the University of the Philippines
- 1st Prize winner at the American Choral Directors Association National Conducting Competition (Graduate Division)
- received the Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of Michigan and Master of Music from Yale University

Alexander Solovyev (Russia)
- Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the “Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatory”, Professor at the Choral Conducting Department, Dean of the Offi ce for Foreign Students’ Affairs of the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
- Artistic Director of the International Festivals of Moscow Conservatory: Autumn Choral Festival named after Prof. Boris Tevlin, Dedicated to the Victory Day, The Sealed Angel, Born in Russia
- Artistic Director of the State Choir of Tula region and Professor at the Choral Conducting Department of Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke
- President of Creative Initiatives Development Fund
- Head of the Association of Folk and Choral Groups of the Russian Musical Union

Aida Swenson (Indonesia)
- Founder and Music Director of the internationally known Indonesian Children and Youth Choir "Cordana"
- Chairman of the National Foundation for the Development of Choral Music in Indonesia and Member of Advisory of the Foundation of Church Music – YAMUGER
- International and national juror and clinician
- Has travelled through the provinces in Indonesia training choirs and conductors
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Jennifer Tham (Singapore)
conductor, pedagogue, clinician
- Artistic Director/Conductor, SYC Ensemble Singers
- Cultural Medallion 2012 recipient, Singapore’s highest arts accolade, awarded by the President of Singapore
- World Choir Council member, representing Singapore
- Coordinator, Asia Pacific Working Committee, International Federation for Choral Music

Patrick Tikolo (South Africa)
- Head of Vocal Studies & Senior Lecturer at The South African College of Music in the University of Cape Town
- A baritone, singing teacher, esteemed adjudicator, music clinician, choral enthusiast, conductor, mentor
- Conductor of the UCT Cantiamo and former conductor of the Simon Estes Choral Group

Marco Ugalde (Mexico)
- Choir conductor, teacher, international juror at choral competitions and guest conductor
- Professor of Choral Conducting at the Faculty of Music at the National University of Mexico
- Founder, Conductor and Artistic Director of "Staccato", the choir of the National University of Mexico, which has received some prizes in international competitions
- Interested in the choral repertoire of this moment and specialist in Latin American choral repertoire
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Romāns Vanags (Latvia)
- Artistic Director of INTERKULTUR
- Professor of choral conducting study program at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music since 1987
- Chief conductor and Artistic Director of “Jāzeps Mediņš Rīga 1st Music School Boys’ Choir” and principal conductor of the Latvian University female choir named “Minjona” since 1990
- One of the chief conductors of the Latvian Nationwide Song Celebration (in 1993, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2008, 2013 and 2018)
- In 2008 received the highest civil decoration in Latvia – “The Order of the Three Stars”.
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council

Hans van den Brand (Países Bajos)
- member of the World Choir Council
- has been active in the international choral world and music education as a vocalist, conductor, arranger, coach, workshop leader, adjudicator, teacher, publicist and organizer
- studied school music, piano and choral conducting at the Brabant Conservatory and specialized in musical theatre and light vocal music
- gained international fame with the Fontys Jazz Choir, with which he won the TV competition Korenslag in 2010 and became World Champion Jazz in 2016 during the World Choir Games
- was university lecturer in music education and choir conducting at the Fontys Academy for Music Education Tilburg and the Conservatory of Amsterdam
- currently a coach at vocal group Des Unique Tilburg, male vocal ensemble Dubbel Zes Den Bosch and male choir Daan Zomer Utrecht

Li Yang (China)
- member of the World Choir Council
- Professor of conducting at the Central Conservatory of Music and Principal Conductor of Tianjin Symphony Orchestra
- Vice-Chairman of China Chorus Association
- resident conductor of Beijing Philharmonic Choir
- frequently invited to serve as an international judge in many important choral competitions
- in 2016, his monograph “Modern Conducting Techniques Course” was published by the Central Conservatory of Music
La canción ha sido compuesta por el legendario Sibongile Khumalo, que también forma parte del Comité Artístico Nacional de los X World Choir Games.
African Cultural Development Foundation
apoyado por
Gauteng Tourism Authority
City of Tshwane
Organizador es INTERKULTUR Management GmbH.

Libro del programa
Los Grupos Participantes

Singakademie Graz (Austria)

Cantoholics (Austria)

Gumpoldskirchener Spatzen (Austria)

Academy Singers (Austria)

Chor der Technischen Universität Wien (Austria)

Show Choir Rise Up (Bélgica)

Jeugdkoor Waelrant (Bélgica)

Female Chamber Choir "Banjalucanke" (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Coral Cantus Firmus (Brasil)

Vocal Ensemble "Fortissimo" (Bulgaria)

Richmond Youth Honour Choir (Canadá)

Čarobna Frula (Croacia)

Folk Song Group "Jane" (Croacia)

Female Vocal Ensemble "Klapa Kastav" (Croacia)

Male Vocal Ensemble "Klapa Kastav" (Croacia)

Ensemble Vocal Luna (Cuba)

Páni Kluci Boys Choir (República Checa)

Puellae Cantantes (República Checa)

Iuventus, Gaude! (República Checa)

Schola Cantorum Akto (República Democrática del Congo)

Choeur La Grace (República Democrática del Congo)

Groupe Evangelique De Louange Et D'Adoration Du Centenaire (República Democrática del Congo)

Choeur MC (República Democrática del Congo)

Nordsang (Dinamarca)

Aarhus Pigekor (Dinamarca)

Academy of Music's Girls Choir Esbjerg (Dinamarca)

Choir of Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Art Center (China)

Chongqing Xinghai Choir (China)

Chu Cultural China (China)

Shengzhi Veteran Cadres Choir of Henan (China)

CEIBS Alumni Choir (China)

Wanheng Olympic Love Art Chorus of Hengyang (China)

Lingzhisheng Choir (China)

Guangzhou Opera House Children's Chorus (China)

Chongqing Shi Guangnan Women's Choir (China)

Golden Bell Chorus Chongqing (China)

Guangdong Zhongshan Hefeng Female Choir (China)

The Elegance Choir of Ludao Shuangfeng Community (China)

China ShEO Choir (China)

Diocesan Schools Choral Society (China)

Diocesan Boys' School Choir (China)

Diocesan Girls' School Choir (China/RAE de Hong Kong)

Aiyue Female Chorus of Sichuan Culture Center (China)

Lily Of The Valley Chamber Choir (China)

Guilin Lijiang River Vocal Art Troupe (China)

Shenzhen Voice of Women Entrepreneurs Chorus (China)

St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir (China)

Beyond The Voice Choir (China)

Deep Space Group (China)

Shenzhen Luohu Sound of Harmonies Choir (China)

Shenzhen Huaqiangbei Philharmonic Chamber Choir (China)

Wu Xi Shanhe Chorus (China)

Wu Xi Shanhe Female Chorus (China)

Zhaoqing Duanzhou Haiyun Children’s Choir (China)

Guangzhou South China Experimental Art Troupe (China)

Guozijian Middle School Choir (China)

Tsinghua University Primary School Choir (China)

New Taipei City Junior Choir (Taipei Chino)

Bao Lai Junior High School Choir (Taipei Chino)

Le Chant Sur La Lowe (Gabón)

Sängerkreis Hildburghausen (Alemania)

singOUT Mass Choir Germany (Alemania)

singOUT Ensemble (Alemania)

Chor am Helmholtz Gymnasium Potsdam (Alemania)

Gospelchor Rejoice (Alemania)

Kammerchor Wernigerode (Alemania)

Kinderchor der Deutschen Oper Berlin (Alemania)

Neuer Kammerchor Berlin (Alemania)

PopKon - Modern Vocal Music (Alemania)

Harmonious Chorale Ghana (Ghana)

Gibraltar Youth Choir (Gibraltar)

Nottingham Trent University Chamber Choir (Gran Bretaña)

Rosarte Children's Choir (Grecia)

Iyakoko Patea Choir (Indonesia)

Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin (Indonesia)

Symphony Pamjek Choir (Indonesia)

The Plurabelles (Irlanda)

deCarteret College High School Choir (Jamaica)

Jamaica Youth Chorale (Jamaica)

St. Andrew's Turi Chapel Choir (Kenia)

Strathmore University Chorale (Kenia)

"Pavasaris" (Lituania)

Permata Seni Koir (Malasia)

Cgals Chamber Choir (Namibia)

COTA Youth Choir Namibia (Namibia)

St Georges Diocesan School Senior Choir (Namibia)

Dekoor Close Harmony (Países Bajos)

Musica Casa Chorale (Nigeria)

Lagos City Chorale (Nigeria)

Riverbank School Choir (Nigeria)

New Wine Ensemble (Nigeria)

Mountain Top Chorale (Nigeria)

Halifield School Choir (Nigeria)

Neon Vokal (Noruega)

Defrost Youth Choir (Noruega)

Cantus (Noruega)

Miriam College High School Glee Club (Filipinas)

Chór Kameralny Collegium Musicum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Polonia)

Coro Juvenil do Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa (Portugal)

Choeur Des Seraphins (República del Congo)

Harmonize (República de Corea)

Novye Imena (Rusia)

Credo (Rusia)

Gnesins' Ensemble of Contemporary Music "Altro coro" (Rusia)

Choir Detstvo (Rusia)

Academic Choir of the Ural Federal University (Rusia)

Pop Choir MEZ Krasnodar (Rusia)

Detsky Khor MEZ Krasnodar (Rusia)

Children's Choir "Melodia" Zhukovsky (Rusia)

Vocal Ensemble Melodia (Rusia)

Detski Khor Velikan (Rusia)

Komi Republic College of Fine Arts Academic Choir (Rusia)

Nizhny Novgorod State University Choir (NNSU) (Rusia)

Nanyang Technological University CAC Choir (Singapur)

The Graduate Singers (Singapur)

ONE Chamber Choir (Singapur)

Cantica Collegium musicum (Eslovaquia)

University of Johannesburg Choir (Sudáfrica)

Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria (Sudáfrica)

Cenestra Male Choir (Sudáfrica)

Lindenkoor (Sudáfrica)

Affie Choir - Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool (Sudáfrica)

Hoërskool Driehoek Koor (Sudáfrica)

Cantare Children's Choir (Sudáfrica)

Kimberley Girls' Choir (Sudáfrica)

St Mary's DSG Choir (Sudáfrica)

Eunice Vitae Cantamus Choir (Sudáfrica)

Molen Kórus (Sudáfrica)

The Wykeham Collegiate Choir (Sudáfrica)

Hermanus Pro Musica Choir (Sudáfrica)

Hermanus Pro Musica Female Chamber Choir (Sudáfrica)

Kearsney College Choir (Sudáfrica)

Busisiwe Adult Choir (Sudáfrica)

Grey College Secondary Choir (Sudáfrica)

The Winelands Chamber Choir (Sudáfrica)

North West Children's Choir (Sudáfrica)

Akustika Chamber Singers (Sudáfrica)

Akustika Male Choir (Sudáfrica)

Jacaranda Children's Choir (Sudáfrica)

Kimberley Children's Choir (Sudáfrica)

Magaliesberg Kinderkoor (Sudáfrica)

Conwonnité (Sudáfrica)

Wonderboom High School Choir (Conwonnité) (Sudáfrica)

Wonberg Youth Choir (Sudáfrica)

Drakensberg Boys Choir (Sudáfrica)

C&N Primêre Meisieskool Oranje - Seniorkoor (Sudáfrica)

Gene Louw Children's Choir (Sudáfrica)

Brandslang (Sudáfrica)

Colla Voce Youth Choir (Sudáfrica)

St. Stithians Girls' College Choir (Sudáfrica)

Hoërskool Brits Koor (Sudáfrica)

Willowridge High School Choir (Sudáfrica)

cantando@bloem (Sudáfrica)

Hoërskool Stellenbosch Choir (Sudáfrica)

Ensemble Esprit (Sudáfrica)