© Männergesangverein „Eintracht“ 1869 Breidenstein

Men’s Choir „Eintracht“ 1869 Breidenstein

A choir of long tradition will be guest in Pohlheim

Chorfest Watzenborn-Steinberg

Next weekend, from June 17-19, 2016, 46 German choirs will compete in a national competition, organized by Hessian choirs "Harmonie" and "Sängerkranz". One of them is the Men’s choir "Eintracht" 1969 Breidenstein.

Die Men’s Choir – by the way the oldest association in Breidenstein/Hesse – was founded in 1969. The choir’s name reflects the spirit at that time: Germany was subjected to fundamental political and social changes, a new thinking of state and unity spread.

Over the years the choir achieved great results at varied competitions. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the choir in 1969 the choir received the Silver Plaque of Honour. In 1970 the choir was honored by the former Federal President of Germany with the national award “Zelter-Plakette” for its long-lasting commitment in regard to the care of choral singing.

Another highlight in the choir’s history was the performance at the international Choir Competition in the Dutch Weerkendam in 1983. There the choir consisting of 25 singers significantly won not only the first prize but also the challenge cup as highest honor of the entire competition, sponsored by Queen Beatrice.

In addition to the pursuit of musical successes sociability plays a major role the choir’s live. Therefore they organize walking tours, excursions lasting several days, choral seminars and concert tours.

Since February 2012 the choir is directed by Matthias Nassauer. We are looking forward to welcome the Men’s Choir "Eintracht" 1869 Breidenstein in the singing village of Pohlheim.