Opening Concert Deutsche Chormeisterschaft © Roger Schmidt

Deutsche Chormeisterschaft opens in Koblenz

Choirs meet in Koblenz for competitions and concerts

Deutsche Chormeisterschaft

Karl Jenkins' "The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace" in the Florinskirche was the concert to open a musical weekend in Koblenz with the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft 2022 taking place. With this interdenominational choral and orchestral work, the University Music Koblenz and the State Orchestra Rheinische Philharmonie, directed by Christian Jeub, sent a strong symbol of peace into the world to start of the Koblenz Choral Weekend.

This message was underlined even before the concert by the peace prayer "Dona Nobis Pacem" on the Florinsmarkt, during which the Koblenz peace bell, #PeaceBell No.3, chimed.

Today, Saturday, is all about the choirs: during the day, 11 choirs will compete in the various competition categories before the best of them will sing once again for the title "Deutscher Chormeister 2022" in the evening at 7:30 pm in the Rhein-Mosel-Halle.

For more impressions from Koblenz follow us on our social media channels:



Photo: © Roger Schmidt

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