"I think singing is the most beautiful way of travelling to the heart. Our goal should not be to lose ourselves in a potential world."

Choir Olympics
Linz 2000
On the occasion of the first Choir Olympics in Linz, more than 15,000 participants from 60 nations met to experience the premiere of this unique international choir competition. In 28 categories 342 choirs sang in 403 competition appearances for 51 golden, 86 silver and 39 bronze diplomas in the Choir Olympic Qualification and for 69 gold, 124 silver and 34 bronze medals in the Choir Olympic Competition. The most successful countries were Hungary, China, Germany, Indonesia, and Russia. 51 choral experts belonged to the international jury.
Representatives of the worldwide choral community discussed and passed a Resolution about the situation and the needs of choir music to be handed over to the International Music Council (IMC) of UNESCO. Patron of the event was Dr. Thomas Klestil, Federal President of the Republic of Austria.
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Event Details
Competition Results
We congratulate all singers to their great results! Many thanks to all choirs and ensembles for participating!
Results(115 KB)