Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin © PSMUH

Western Choral Music meets Indonesian Folklore

Singers from Southeast Asia join choir event in Princeton

Sing'n'Joy Princeton

Westminster Choir, the American Boy Choir and more singers from the United States will present finest classical choral music from the Western Hemisphere at Sing’n’Joy Princeton 2017. But there will also be vocal music from other parts of the world brought to the United States.

A group from Indonesia will contribute to the event’s international character and present traditional Folklore and costumes from the South Sulawesi region: The choir Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin was formed in 1970’s by ambitious students who shared a passion for vocal exercise and music.

With over 100 students as member, Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddinperforms on various university and public occasions, which made the choir one of the biggest and most important university organization.

International exchange is a huge and important part of the group’s choral life. During the past six years the Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin participated in several international choir competitions, among them Asia Pacific and World Choir Games events as well as the Xinghai Prize International Choir Championships 2012 in Guangzhou, China.

The following video shows the choir's experiences during a university exchange in Japan.They presented their full range of repertoire from traditional Indonesian Folklore to well-known Pop and Jazz melodies.

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To see and listen to Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin live in Princeton, be part of the event from February 16-20, 2017. The program book including a time schedule of all concerts and all participants can be found on the event website.