Chor auf der Bühne © Studi43

5 things to proof that you should sing in a choir

Stop singing along in the shower or in the car - join a choir!

Your Voice

No more warbling away under the shower, just to be softly listened only by the neighbors. Here are some reasons for singing in a choir:

1. It’s healthy.
Researchers at the Goteborg University published an article in the professional journal “Frontiers in Neuroscience” to describe the positive impact of choral singing to the body. According to their result of research it has a calming effect similar to Yoga.
Singing Together even synchronizes the coordination of muscle and nerves activities, which becomes especially noticeable in controlled, calm breathing as well as in the heart activity: Breathing out slows the pulse, breathing in causes it to quicken again. This is why the hearts of singers are not only beating for music but also in the same strict time.

2. Bye bye, mood swings.
These healthwise benefits even spill over to the mood. You put your energy into singing, forget everything around you, feel free again and – at the same time – recuperate. As a consequence you are put heart and soul in it and leave rehearsal with the same enthusiasm.

3. You’ll be more disciplined.
We all know this feeling of inefficiency following us. Put off till tomorrow what you can do today – or something like that. But those who have once started singing in choir can’t get away from it again. This makes you being more disciplined at the same time. Attending rehearsals regularly is connected with practicing the right tunes. It’s all about a permanent improvement in order to optimize the synergy of voices.

4. A unifying community.
Rehearsals are an experience to make friends, to learn something new together and to have a lot of fun as a team. You’re all connected through your love of music.

5. It makes you happy.
Not least, emotions are also an important factor. Music is touching and puts our everyday life in the rear. Singing further boosts the production of serotonin, known as a happiness hormone. Together with others it is even greater fun.

© 2016 Daniela Lange

This text has first been published in German at

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