Performing Choir

Autograph by Morten Lauridsen is seeking a new owner

INTERKULTUR awards the Morten Lauridsen Special Prize

Sing'n'Joy Princeton

From February 16-20, 2017 choirs from all parts of the world will be welcomed in Princeton/ New Jersey in order to sing together at the Sing'n'Joy Princeton festival and to share this special joy for singing. During this festival INTERKULTUR awards a Special Prize for the best interpretation of a Morten Lauridsen composition among all participating choirs.

The festival is being organized in cooperation with one of the most famous training centers for choral music, the Westminster Choir College in Princeton. This cooperation documents the high-class quality of the festival and its participation possibilities. Apart from a choral competition numerous concerts and manifold encounters between participants as well as master classes with international choral experts and a Grand Prize Competition will await the singers.

Special Prize and a Grand Prize Competition in Princeton

Within five competition categories such as "Folklore" and "Sacred Choral Music", all choirs have the chance to qualify for the Grand Prix competition and to present their musicianship on stage once again. The winning choir will be chosen by an international jury and receive an award of 2000 USD.

Amongst all choirs participating in the categories A "Mixed, Male and Female Choirs, Difficulty Level I" and C "Chamber Choirs & Vocal Ensembles a cappella" the jury will additionally honor the best interpretation of a composition by Morten Lauridsen in a special way.

The winner of this "Morten Lauridsen Special Prize" will receive an autograph of one of the composer's most significant choral works of the 20th century, "O Magnum Mysterium". The handwritten piece of paper was acquired by INTERKULTUR during a conference of the choral association CHORUS AMERICA in Boston. This special autograph, which displays the first bars of "O Magnum Mysterium" will be handed over to the winning choir. The Artistic Honorary President of INTERKULTUR, Morten Lauridsen, will award the prize in Princeton in person to the winning choir.   

Autograph by Morten Lauridsen

All information about the festival Sing'n'Joy Princeton can be found on the official event site or on facebook.

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