European Choir Games Qualification Logos

European Choir Games Qualification July 7 - UPDATE 23:30 h

Choirs qualify to perform in the next higher competition

Choir Games

Category C8 - Jazz & Pop (The Champions Competition): The jury decided to classify the following choirs to compete once again in Category GP5 – Jazz-Pop-Gospel-Spiritual (The Grand Prix of Nations):

  • Barnsley Youth Choir (Great Britain)

Category O2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (The Open Competition): The jury decided to classify the following choirs to compete once again in Category C2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (The Champions Competition):

  • Danish National Church Choir (Denmark)
  • Corala "Mitropolit Dosoftei" (Romania)

Category O2 Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (The Open Competition): The jury decided to classify the following choirs to compete once again in Category GP 2 Youth Choirs (The Grand Prix of Nations):

  • Kantiléna Brno (Czech Republic)

Category O6 – Musica Sacra (The Open Competition): The jury decided to classify the following choirs to compete once again in Category C6 - Musica Sacra (The Champions Competition)

  • Kantiléna Brno (Czech Republic) 

Category O6 – Musica Sacra (The Open Competition): The jury decided to classify the following choirs to compete once again in the Grand Prix of Nations

  • Children's Choir "Alye Parusa" (Russia) classified for GP1 - Children's Choirs
  • Danish National Church Choir (Denmark) classified for GP2 - Youth Choirs
  • Cappella Nova Mundi (USA) classified for GP3 - Chamber Choirs/Vocal Ensembles

Category O4 - Chamber Choirs/Vocal Ensembles (The Open Competition): Unfortunately, no choir has qualified for the next higher competition. 

Category O1 – Children’s Choirs (The Open Competition): The jury decided to classify the following choirs to compete once again in Category C1 – Children’s Choirs (The Champions Competition):

  • Gleichstimmiger Chor der Rudolf-Hildebrand-Schule Markkleeberg (Germany)
  • Morten Boerup Choir (Denmark)
  • Vilnius Algirdo Music School Children's Choir "DIXI" (Lithuania)


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