World Choir Games 2021 - Once Voice, One Heart © Jonas Persson

One Voice, One Heart: A musical world tour

Second part of the World Choir Games 2021 opens in Flanders

World Choir Games 2021

The second part of the World Choir Games 2021 has started in Flanders (Belgium) with a wonderful musical world tour:

INTERKULTUR's Artistic Directors Johan Rooze, and Romāns Vanags as well as Honorary Artistic President Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß conducted music by our Honorary Artistic Presidents Mikis Theodorakis, Morten Lauridsen, and John Rutter, as well as popular music from West Side Story to Toto's Africa and a fantastic ABBA medley.

The program also featured great Flemish artists like Tutu Pouane, Roxor Loops, Noah Thys, and conductor Bart Van Reyn.

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The full show can be rewatched on-demand in the

Virtual Village of the World Choir Games 2021

Check out some more impressions on our Social Media Channels: 

World Choir Games Facebook Page

@interkulturevents on instagram

@interkulturevents on TikTok

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