New registration deadline for the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft
Additional Early Bird discount for registrations by June 29
Slowly but surely life is coming back to the German choral scene. Nearly all federal states allow choirs to start small rehearsals again under the appropriate safety and hygiene measures.
With these first successes the hope is rising that in November 2020 the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft will finally be the place again for a national choir meeting and German singers will be able to come together on stage. In order to guarantee interested choirs the highest possible planning security, the application deadline for the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft was recently extended until September 5.
There is also a small early bird discount available for registrations before June 29: choirs which register before this date will not pay any participation fee for the choir conductor!
In addition, the free of charge change and cancellation option up to 60 days before the start of the event (September 5) is still valid.
You can find further information at For more news keep following the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft on Facebook!
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