Facial expressions during singing

What facial expressions do with singing

Britta Adams presents miens for different musical styles

Your Voice

The choral choreographer, singer as well as educator for sport and gymnastics, Britta Adams is well versed in singing moves. Not only the body neck down affects the performance but also the facial expression has an effect on the vocal expression. A lot of scientific contributions deal with vocal techniques, especially with the placing of the voice through the mouth and the facial muscles. A small example: a laughing face will never be able to sing a sad song; also hanging mouths can never effectually communicate the joyful mood of the well-known “Oh happy Day”.

With the following video Britta Adams likes to raise the singers’ awareness on the fact that every single one represents the whole expression and overall sound. Take a look at the video and maybe you pay attention to your facial expressions on the next rehearsal.

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