Update on INTERKULTUR Events scheduled for 2021

Worldwide pandemic still affects the Choral Calendar of this year


Due to the ongoing worldwide restrictions with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to ensure the health and safety of the international choirs and visitors, events that were originally scheduled for August to November have to be postponed to a later date. Here are the details:

Sing Along Concert “ON TOUR” in Milan:

We have been working on the sing along concert in Milan to offer 1,500 singers from around the world the opportunity to perform Puccini's Messa di Gloria with the Radio Choir and Simon Halsey at the Arcimboldi Theatre. Due to the extraordinary pandemic circumstances we had to postpone the event twice, but despite the great hope and motivation on the part of everyone involved, we were unfortunately unable to save this event this year.

However, we are very happy to announce that a solution of postponement to 2023 could be found - the new dates of the Sing Along Concert in Milan are April 20-23, 2023. More information is available here.

On Stage in Lisbon

INTERKULTUR, in consultation with the local partners in Lisbon, has decided to postpone ON STAGE in Lisbon to 2022. The new event dates are September 9 - 12, 2022, all further information can be found at ON STAGE in Lisbon 2022.

Voices for Peace in Perugia/Assisi:

In consultation with the local partners in Italy, INTERKULTUR has decided that the 4th Voices for Peace will not happen from September 26-30 this year, but postponed to the year 2023. As soon as the new event date is determined, it will be published on the INTERKULTUR website.

International Choir Competition Kalamata:

In consultation with the local partners in Greece the 4th Kalamata International Choir Competition & Festival will be postponed to 2022. The new event dates are September 22 - 26, 2022. More information can be found here.

On Stage in Prague:

The 2021 edition of this event will not take place, but new dates are already set for 2022: Prague will be your stage from November 10-13, 2022. Find more information here!

Outlook to 2022:

Riga Sings 2022:

The new event dates have been set: The 3rd Riga Sings will take place from August 17-21, 2022. Find out more on the official event website!

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