The new website is now online
INTERKULTUR starts the New Year with the relaunch of the modernized website
Welcome to the new INTERKULTUR website!
Our editors and programmers put a lot of energy and creativity into these new and redesigned web pages. Thereby the world-wide leading organizer of international choral competitions and festivals is set to showcase everything that has been realized by INTERKULTUR since 1988 and is still being optimized furthermore in the World Wide Web: We want to be your reliable companion on all routes you choose throughout the world of choral music.
The visual and content-related structure of the complete website, including its numerous new features, is designed to be more clearly and reader-friendly. All contents are now available in a mobile version and also being displayed optimally on tablets and smartphones. With these steps we guarantee all singers and choral music lovers easy access to our offers anywhere and anytime.
From now on the new website is distinctly structured into three sections. EVENTS displays all INTERKULTUR events at a glance. It features a completely new add-on: a filter function with an interactive world map, which enables users to select events according to criteria such as time, venues and type of event.
The event pages now comprise all information about the respective events in a clear and an optically appealing way. New features such as an interactive destination map or the inclusion of event-related social media content offer users a comprehensive insight into past and future events.
FACTS includes all information regarding INTERKULTUR, the World Choir Games and its founder, INTERKULTUR president Günter Titsch.
This relaunch also includes our NEWSROOM, which will be equipped with new additional components and a modern layout for our new online appearance. With this INTERKULTUR NEWSROOM we want to offer an international online service for current news regarding INTERKULTUR and the big world of choral music.
Discover the new website on your own and learn more about INTERKULTUR, our events and the latest news. Have fun surfing!
P.S.: As with every relaunch not everything at INTERKULTUR might run smoothly right away. During this virtual relocation thousands of documents have been uploaded in a new design. During the first days and weeks smaller problems might arise naturally. We already ask for your understanding in case minor dysfunctions might occur.