The World Choir Games 2016
Nine reasons to come to Sochi and not to miss the first registration deadline
World Choir Games 2016
The 9th World Choir Games 2016 are coming closer and the preparations are full in swing. Hundreds of choirs will sing together in the Russian Olympic City of Sochi.
What is special about the World Choir Games? Nine reasons to take part in this big event:
- Singing together is for you the greatest gift!
- The World Choir Games are based on the Olympic ideals of a peaceful and fair competition.
- The big event offers the opportunity to get in touch with choirs from different nations and to get to know other cultures and religions.
- Interested choirs have the opportunity to select the most appropriate from 29 different competition categories.
- In addition to the competitive participation INTERKULTUR offers a big pedagogical program.
- The jury and the workshop leaders will be international accepted choral experts.
- At non-competitive Friendship Concerts you can make friends with singers from all over the world.
- Highlights like the big Gala Concert or the mass choir at the Closing Ceremony offer a special participation opportunity.
- The experiences, which you will gather in Sochi, are unique and unforgettable.
Are you convinced now?
More information about participation and registration can be found under www.wcg2016.com
Important to know:
The early bird discount for the biggest choral event worldwide Sochi will end in a few days. Register until September 15, 2015 and benefit from the great discounts!