The stop motion video of the choir Noor-e Omid

The peacemaking power of music

A stop motion video with an important message

World Choir Games 2016

On the occasion of the World Choir Games 2016 we have motivated all participating choirs to send us their thoughts and wishes regarding to the upcoming choral festival in Sochi. One of the entries impressed us because of its creativity: It's a short movie which tells a story about the peacemaking power of music in form of a stop-motion animation. The video was submitted by the Afghan choir Noor-e omid.

The love to detail shows the complexity of the video's production. We don't want to reveal too much about the video's content. The message is clear: singing together supports peace. Just watch it once, twice or three times and have fun!

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Want to learn more about the choir, which created this impressive video? Stay tuned – tomorrow we will introduce the choir Noor-e omid.

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