Mt. San Antonio College Singcopation at the Night of Choirs

Relaxed atmosphere at the Night of Choirs

Closing time, twilight, spot light, some really good jazz music, some pop music, on top of this a glass of red wine and the evening is perfect.

Choir Games

After two previous concerts part 3 of the Night of Choirs continued in a relaxing atmosphere in the Festung Mark.

The ensemble Mt. San Antonio College Singcopation opened the last one of three concerts at the Night of Choirs. Yesterday evening 13 ambitious singers from California fired the audience up heavily in the Festung Mark. With rhythmic and melodically strung together syllables (a special singing technique in the Jazz named Scat-Singing), they brought the stage to shine. Some songs were accompanied by a saxophone, maybe the jazziest instrument ever. There are also some self-creations under the performed songs, which have been composed by singers of the group themselves. The temperament on stage ensured that nobody was still sitting or standing. Those who had a glass of wine along with this soloistic and improvisational show knows how to enjoy a Thursday evening in the summer month July.

Also The Blue Notes' Guys animated the public to dance and to sing together. A medley of the a cappella movie „Pitch Perfect“ was one of the ear candies for the audience. Casual clothes, hoodies instead of suits: that was the dress code for such an easygoing mood of the evening.

When 85 singers were going on stage and sung popular gospel songs like the song „I will follow Him“, best-known from the movie „Sister Act”, the evening got its final touch. The Singout GOSPEL MASS CHOIR literally rocked the stage. But that should be normal, when such a mass of singers are singing songs to praise.

Meanwhile it was midnight; the glass of wine was just empty and the desire to hear jazzy music und gathering was stilled.

All in all we can say: It was a really relaxed evening! Thanks to all singers! You`re amazing!

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