Choristers in a workshop

Free workshops with international choral experts!

From "The Art of Warming Up" to "Improvisation in the choir". At the European Choir Games and Grand Prix of Nations four workshops with international choral experts are open to participants and interested individuals who want to improve their vocal skills and choral development.

Choir Games

Between July 7 and 10, 2015 as part of the European Choir Games & Grand Prix of Nations in Magdeburg there’s a daily workshop taking place at 11:00 am. The international choral experts Miguel Felipe from USA, André van der Merwe from South Africa, Johan Rooze from Netherlands and Ines Dominik Reiger from Austria will work in the workshops with participating choirs and interested individuals.

July 10 deals with “The Art of Warming Up”, for example: What do to when the warm-up becomes a chore or even a nuisance? Miguel Felipe will give advice in his workshop!

Johan Rooze will try to still the singers’ bear’s regarding improvisation and develop their listening skills as well as their sense for rhythm, melody and phrasing.

The workshop with André van der Merwe will guide the participants how to enhance uniform vowels, resonance as well as balance and intonation on the way to reach a perfect choral sound.

Those who are interested in vocal technique in Jazz should join the workshop with Ines Dominik Reiger on July 7. Practical exercises for solo improvisation as well as phrasing in the swing make the workshop a very active experience for all participants.

All four workshop sessions will take place at the "Konservatorium Georg Philipp Telemann" and are free for participating choirs and interested individuals. Since seating is limited, we kindly ask for reservation in advance by writing an e-mail at

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