Singers hand in hand

“Welcoming and Get-Together Choir" in Berlin

Voluntary singers and refugees get to know each other via singing

International Choral Scene

Currently Europe proves to be an open-minded and friendly host for many people seeking asylum and fleeing from areas of conflicts all over the world. The course of action to welcome refugees in a heartfelt way and to offer them safe future prospects continues. Integration is a topic all of us are engaged in.

But how can we build bridges to people who are traumatized and often do not speak our language? Music is the answer! Music or rather singing is the only language which is understood by all human beings regardless of their origin and acts as a universal means of communication.

This aspect is being picked up the voluntary association Leadership Berlin (Network Responsibility) in Berlin who is currently founding a project choir which shall overcome the borders between the unknown and the well-known. According to the motto "Singing together brings nations together" the „Welcoming and Get-Together Choir" therefore invites all professional and amateur singers to sing together with refugees, to get to know each other and thus to contribute  to a successful integration.

The first choir rehearsal took place at the town hall “Rotes Rathaus” in Berlin. About 50 refugees were being expected to sing together with voluntary singers and to make the next step into a promising future. The encounter choir will be conducted by Michael Betzner-Brandt (initiator of the "I-Cannot-Sing-Choir" and juror at numerous  INTERKULTUR events) and Bastian Holze (founder and conductor of TOTAL CORAL and B vocal).

More information about the project choir can be found at the website of the association Leadership Berlin (Network Responsibility).

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