How to sing in a correct way
As member of a choir you deal intensively with your own voice and its sound. Although the voice is just one part of the choral sound, you need to mind about a correct usage of your own voice. We like to sensitize you with that topic and present you one concept of voice training.
Some singers get a professional voice training to learn, how to sing right – maybe you too.
But what means 'correct singing'?
There are theories about a correct way to sing since the beginnings of voice-physiological researches. The theories develop through the progression of research methods at the larynx. For example, there were times, when to sing with vibrato meant nothing, today it shows a trained voice. It does not matter primarily, to sing beautifully, but to sing in a good health. It is important to use your voice without some pain to get no irreversible damage.
What is 'healthy singing'?
If you deal sometimes intensively with voice training, you know there were published a lot of meanings and methods about the 'correct singing'; right breathing, body tension, control of the larynx area, placement of the voice, each free resonance in all registers and so on.
All methods are with the same aim: to sing healthy. Everyone is different and also the voices are different. Singers like you should find out by yourselves, which technique is the right one for you and feels well to your voices. Furthermore it depends on the musical style you like to sing, like popular or classical singing. Basically you should take care that there’s no pain during or after singing!
Some vocal techniques
There are lot of books about singing and trials to describe vocal techniques in a compact way. But no technique presents the only true one. So we’d like to provide some input about voice training and present one of many voice-physiological concepts:
Complete Vocal Technique
After many years of researches Cathrin Sadolin, a Danish phonetician and vocal coach, published with the CVT-Institute the Complete Vocal Technique in the year 2000. That concept tries to unite vocal techniques for both classical and popular singing in one.
That technique is tied up on three basic principles:
1. Twang, the body support for a pure sound with less whisper
2. Vocal modes, level of metallic voice sound
3. Effect, ornamentation of singing
Sadolin describes every single step in a physiological, sensitive and metaphoric way, so you as singing student can learn on your own and testing yourself with the help of the singing book. It is easier to understand the theory with the help of a graphic description. Maybe this method is going to help you or offers the opportunity to know your voice even better.
We have found an interview with Cathrin Sadolin in the Danish TV. There she describes those three basic principles Twang, Vocal modes and Effect. Check it out here: