"Clouds" Choir for a Cause 2014

"Clouds" Choir for a Cause

More than 5000 people will sing for a good cause

International Choral Scene

For the 3rd time a big choir will perform in honor of the late Zach Sobiech and children with cancer on Friday, December 11 at 18:30 (local time) in the Mall of America in Bloongton/Minnesota.

By now more than 5000 singers have registered at the Radio station KS95's "Ryan and Shannon's Largest 'Clouds' Choir for a Cause". Beside Christmas carols the participants will sing the song "Clouds", a composed farewell of Zach Sobiech to his family and friends. The song has been viewed for more than 12.2. Million times and reached the first place of the iTunes charts. All proceeds from the song’s sale go to the "Zach Sobiech Osteosarcoma Fund", which already collected 1 Million Dollar for the "Children’s Cancer Research Fund".

The registration deadline for the "Choir for a Cause" is already closed, but interested people have the opportunity to experience the choir’s performance and/or to donate for the "Children‘s Cancer Research Fund" and "Gillette Children‘s Specialty Healthcare".

Further information about the donation action is available on the KS95’s website.

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