Performing singers

Christmas greetings from France

INTERKULTUR brings December to sound

Christmas Carols

As already announced INTERKULTUR would like to sound the December with your musical support, by presenting Christmas carols from all over the world.

Our first song comes from France: "Il est né, le divin enfant".

Musically the wintery song is based on a French hunting song (La tête bizarde) and was published in a collection of Christmas carols in France during the 19th century. The text refers to the birth of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated by the oboe and pipes playing prophets.

The interplay of the soft sound of the French language and the rhythmically animated melody results in a great catchy tune, which we'd like to share with you.

And our wish for the upcoming year: More openness and tolerance towards other cultures.

Do you have an idea for a Christmas carol from your country? Then send it with your personal wish for the next year to

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