Carmen manet (Slovenia) © INTERKULTUR

VOX LUCENSIS 2023: Celebrating our winners!

The results of the event’s 2023 edition in Lucca

Vox Lucensis - Concorso Corale Internazionale

Can you believe it? The second international choir competition in Lucca has come to a close already! In an awe-inspiring Awards Ceremony, the choirs were honored with well-deserved accolades, and one exceptional choir even claimed the coveted Grand Prize...

We extend our warmest congratulations to all the winners of the Vox Lucensis - Concorso Corale Internazionale in Lucca!

At the thrilling final concert, the stage was set for an exhilarating showdown of the best choirs, vying for the prestigious Vox Lucensis Grand Prize 2023 and its accompanying €1500 reward:

After a fantastic presentation of talent and captivating performances by these top-class choirs, the distinguished jury reached a decision and awarded the Grand Prize to:

Carmen manet from Slovenia
conducted by: Primož Kerštanj

Congratulations on this phenomenal achievement!

And let's also recognize the winners in each competition category:

Category A2 Choirs of Equal Voices - Difficulty Level I

Carmen manet (Slovenia)
conducted by: Primož Kerštanj

Category B1 Mixed Choirs - Difficulty Level II

Mešani Pevski Zbor Gorenje (Slovenia)
conducted by: Katja Gruber

Category B2 Choirs of Equal Voices - Difficulty Level II

Melifono (Greece)
conducted by: Athanasia Kyriakidou

Category C1 Chamber Choirs & Vocal Ensembles of Mixed Voices

consonus vokalensemble (Switzerland)
conducted by: Mauro Ursprung

Category C2 Chamber Choirs & Vocal Ensembles of Equal Voices

Vokalna Skupina Radost (Slovenia)
conducted by; Damjana Vončina

Category G3 Youth Choirs of Mixed Voices

Brunnsbo Musikklasser (Sweden)
conducted by: Kicki Rosén Bejstam

Category S Musica Sacra a cappella

consonus vokalensemble (Switzerland)
conducted by: Mauro Ursprung

The complete list of results is available for download here:

Vox Lucensis 2023_Results

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