Evaluation Performance in Provo

Upcoming workshop and competition in Provo

The today's festival program at a glance

Sing'n'Joy Provo

After yesterday's successful opening of the festival today's festival program includes amongst others a workshop as well as a competition concert.

Following an Evaluation Performance with the international choral experts, some interested singers will visit Jan Schumacher's workshop in the "Covey Center for the Arts" today at 3 p.m. Jan Schumacher is a professor for choral conducting and the chairman of the Music Commission of the European Choral Association. During his workshops "Love – Night – Nature – Romantic Sounds from Europe" he will explain practical examples of European music in the Romantic and offer thus tips to singers for their own interpretations of romantic choral music.

The first competition will take place today at 5 p.m. in the "Covey Center for the Arts". Four choirs will present their musicianship in the category "Sacred Choral Music" in front of the international jury. Good luck to everyone!

This evening at 7:30 p.m. six choirs, including the "American Fork Children's Choir", "The Canyon Singers" and the "Mountain West Voices" invite to a Friendship Concert in the "Provo Community Congregational United Church of Christ". There the singers will have the opportunity to sing without competitive pressure and to get to know one another.

The admission for the competition concert and for the Friendship Concert is free!

We are looking forward to an exciting festival day in Provo with lots of music!

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