Deutsche Chormeisterschaft in Koblenz © INTERKULTUR

Melodious prelude to the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft 2021

Gala Concert in Koblenz on November 8, 2020

Deutsche Chormeisterschaft

New impulses for the German choir scene, a new competition concept and great enthusiasm among choirs and audiences: The Deutsche Chormeisterschaft has moved a lot in the last months and expectations were high. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely limited the premiere of this new series of events - but the choir year 2020 is not supposed to end quietly: The choral music will get a stage at the planned event weekend in Koblenz!

On November 8, the vocal ensemble amarcord (Leipzig) and the Landesjugendchor Hessen (State Youth Choir of Hesse), conducted by Axel Pfeiffer and Jürgen Faßbender, will take to the stage in the Basilika St. Kastor to give a joint Gala Concert as a prelude to the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft in November 2021.

In order to properly implement the recommendations of the Federal Government as well as the current regulations of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, but at the same time to give all interested parties the opportunity to be in the audience, the concert will take place twice in a row on November 8: First at 14:30 for invited guests and additionally at 17:00 for the interested audience. Information on pre-registration for tickets is available at The Gala Concert at 14:30 h can also be watched via livestream on, in order to give everyone the opportunity to experience the kick-off for the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft 2021, even if they cannot or do not want to be present on site.

"With the festive concert for the German Choir Championships 2021 before the end of this year, we want to set an example and conclude 2020 with a resounding voice," says INTERKULTUR President Günter Titsch. "Especially the international choral scene is currently severely affected by the pandemic, in many places the music has fallen silent. But we want to show that we listen to the choirs and share with them the hope for a better year 2021".

The kick-off event will probably be followed by a series of exclusive qualification and advisory events for the German choral scene starting in spring 2021 (provided the development of the pandemic makes this possible): "Jury-On-Tour" will take renowned choral experts to the various German states, where they will provide the participating choirs with advice and support in the course of their preparations for the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft 2021.

Finally, from November 5-7, 2021, choirs from all over Germany will come together in Koblenz to compete in the various competition categories and rounds of the Deutsche Chormeisterschaft. All information on this can be found at

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