"La cultura y el arte son las mejores mercancías de exportación que tenemos en Letonia. Este camino, abierto por cultura, se pondrá a una carretera de comercios."
III European Choir Games
¡Cantemos en Riga!
Tras el gran éxito de los World Choir Games 2014 (los mayores de todos los tiempos con 460 coros internacionales y 27.000 participantes de 73 países) los coros de todo el mundo volverán a hacer las maletas para viajar a Letonia. Los III European Choir Games y el Grand Prix of Nations se celebran conjuntamente en 2017 en Riga, una ciudad que, al contar con una gran tradición de coros, resulta el lugar perfecto para este evento.
Completa el rico programa de conciertos de los European Choir Games una amplia oferta pedagógica, que incluye actuaciones evaluables y ensayos con reconocidos directores. Además de los muchos conciertos de los concursos y conciertos de la amistad, los coros participantes están invitados a cantar juntos en el coro del festival (Festival Stage Choir). Junto con miles de cantantes de todo el mundo, se prepararán obras corales tradicionales y sinfónicas seleccionadas, que más tarde se interpretarán en la ceremonia de clausura.
Opciones de participación
El evento invita a participar a todos los coros amateurs del mundo. Ofrece una competición justa y en igualdad de condiciones, tanto a los coros experimentados como a aquellos que cuentan con menos experiencia a nivel internacional.
El Grand Prix of Nations en Riga de 2017 se combina con los 3 European Choir Games y consiste de tres partes: la Open Competition, la European Champions Competition y el Grand Prix of Nations. Estas tres competiciones ofrecen a los coros la oportunidad de concursar en un nivel adecuado a ellos y a calificarse para un nivel más alto.
AI – The Open Competition
Siguiendo el principio de los World Choir Games que dice así: “la participación es siempre el mayor honor”, the Open Competition ofrece a todos los coros, independientemente de su actual nivel artístico, la posibilidad de recopilar experiencias de gran valor en una competición internacional.
AII - European Champions Competition
The Champions Competition está dirigida a coros que cuenten con experiencia en competiciones internacionales y/o calificaciones equiparables. Los coros serán admitidos por el comité artístico.
AIII - Grand Prix of Nations Riga 2017
El Grand Prix of Nations está dirigido a coros que cuenten con experiencia en competiciones internacionales y/o demonstraron su competencia. Los coros serán admitidos por el comité artístico.
1 - Coros Infantiles |
2 - Coros Juveniles (de voces mixtas y iguales) |
3 - Coros de Cámara/Conjuntos Vocales |
4 - Coros (mixtos, femeninos, masculinos) |
5 - Música Sacra a cappella |
6 - Música Sacra con acompañamiento |
7 - Gospel, Spiritual, Music of Spirit and Faith - Música de las religiones |
8 - Jazz, Pop, Show |
9 - Folclore a cappella |
10 - Folclore con acompañamiento |
Se puede descargar el folleto con una discripción de las categorías de la competición más detallada:
Información de participación(1.0 MB)
BI - Ronda de asesoramiento
para los coros que NO participan en ningún concurso
- tres (3) piezas de elección libre
- actuación frente a un panel de jurado internacional que darán la respuesta artística y pedagógica positiva e inmediata para que el coro mejore
- los coros reciben un certificado de participación, evaluación de la actuación y algunas recomendaciones para la participación en los eventos futuros de INTERKULTUR
Número de cantantes: ilimitado
Tiempo de actuación: máximo 15 minutos
Acompañamiento: posible
Duración: 45 minutos
BII - Asesoría individual
- una (1) pieza de elección libre
- un experto coral de prestigio internacional le da una nueva aportación al coro para estimular ideas artísticas y la orientación interpretativa
- para un ensayo efectivo el coro debe preparar la pieza de antemano
Número de cantantes: ilimitado
Tiempo de actuación: 45 minutos de ensayo
Acompañamiento: posible
CI - Conciertos de la amistad
Los coros tienen la oportunidad de inscribirse para actuaciones conjuntas con otros coros internacionales. Actuarán en Riga y sus alrededores.
Se ofrece la oportunidad de presentar sus propias tradiciones musicales y culturales. Coros, conjuntos vocales y grupos de danza que no participan en ningún concurso, pueden inscribirse para más que una actuación en un concierto de la amistad.
CII - Coro de Festival (Festival Stage Choir)
Como punto destacado artístico del concierto final todos los coros participantes pueden formar parte de la actuación de las obras tradicionales y sinfónico-corales. La información sobre el programa más detallada será publicada en septiembre de 2016.
Durante de su estancia en Riga habrá ensayos obligatorios. Si se interesa participar en este proyecto, por favor inscríbese para esto. Sin embargo, el comité artístico se reserva el derecho de aprobación final de la selección de los coros. Las obras deben ser ensayadas de antemano y los coros participantes deben llegar a los ensayos finales ya preparados.
También existe la posibilildad de inscribirse solo para los conciertos de la amistad y/o el coro del festival.
"En Riga pasé tiempo maravilloso. Estaba trabajando con coros de modos diferentes – en asesorías individuales, talleres o en el jurado. Lo que me impresó mucho es que las salas siempre estaban llenas, no había ni una silla vacía. Mis cantantes fueron muy felices de poder actuar en Mezaparks, formar parte del taller y actuar. Fue un GRAN éxito."
"Fue una experiencia muy agradable, enriquecedora e informativa. Realmente sentía que puedo “confluir” con mis nuevos compañeros. Así hice muchos amigos nuevos. Continuo trabajando con nueva inspiración y entusiasmo."
Información para la inscripción
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Detalles del evento
Domingo, 16 de julio de 2017
- Por la noche: Concierto de apertura
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Lunes, 17 de julio de 2017
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Open Competition: categorías O2, O4, O6, O7, O9
- Champions Competition: categorías C2, C4, C6, C7, C9
- Grand Prix of Nations: categorías GP2, GP4, GP6, GP7, GP9
- Rondas de asesoramiento (para los coros que no participan en ningún concurso)
- Asesoría individual
- Talleres
- Conciertos de la amistad y de gala en Riga y sus alredores
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Martes, 18 de julio de 2017
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Open Competition: categorías O2, O4, O6, O7, O9
- Champions Competition: categorías C2, C4, C6, C7, C9
- Grand Prix of Nations: categorías GP2, GP4, GP6, GP7, GP9
- Rondas de asesoramiento (para los coros que no participan en ningún concurso)
- Asesoría individual
- Talleres
- Conciertos de la amistad y de gala en Riga y sus alredores
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017
- Por la noche: Conclusión parte 1 y entrega de premios
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Open Competition: categorías O2, O4, O6, O7, O9
- Champions Competition: categorías C2, C4, C6, C7, C9
- Grand Prix of Nations: categorías GP2, GP4, GP6, GP7, GP9
- Rondas de asesoramiento (para los coros que no participan en ningún concurso)
- Asesoría individual
- Conciertos de la amistad y de gala en Riga y sus alredores
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Jueves, 20 de julio de 2017
- Desfile de las naciones y concierto de apertura parte 2
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Rondas de asesoramiento (para los coros que no participan en ningún concurso)
- Asesoría individual
- Conciertos de la amistad y de gala en Riga y sus alredores
- Proyecto: coro del festival
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Viernes, 21 de julio de 2017
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Open Competition: categorías O1, O3, O5, O8, O10
- Champions Competition: categorías C1, C3, C5, C8, C10
- Grand Prix of Nations: categorías GP1, GP3, GP5, GP8, GP10
- Rondas de asesoramiento (para los coros que no participan en ningún concurso)
- Asesoría individual
- Talleres
- Conciertos de la amistad y de gala en Riga y sus alredores
- Proyecto: coro del festival
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Sábado, 22 de julio de 2017
- Pruebas de excenario y ensayos
- Open Competition: categorías O1, O3, O5, O8, O10
- Champions Competition: categorías C1, C3, C5, C8, C10
- Grand Prix of Nations: categorías GP1, GP3, GP5, GP8, GP10
- Rondas de asesoramiento (para los coros que no participan en ningún concurso)
- Asesoría individual
- Talleres
- Conciertos de la amistad y de gala en Riga y sus alredores
- Proyecto: coro del festival
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
Domingo, 23 de julio de 2017
- Por la tarde: Entrega de premios
- Por la noche: Concierto final
- Pruebas de escenario y ensayos
- Open Competition: categorías O1, O3, O5, O8, O10
- Champions Competition: categorías C1, C3, C5, C8, C10
- Grand Prix of Nations: categorías GP1, GP3, GP5, GP8, GP10
- Proyecto: coro del festival
- Turismo&Excursiones a Riga y sus alrededores*
dependiendo del horario individual del coro
Salvo modificaciones!
Si se está interesado en excursiones individuales por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a travel(at)interkultur.com.
Arena Riga
Address: Skanstes iela 21, Riga LV1013
The modern, multi-purpose Arēna Riga hall, with seating for up to 13 000 spectators, is one of Riga’s most popular venues. This is Riga's largest indoor venue and has hosted numerous concerts by world stars, including a production of Gustav Mahler's 8th symphony with two full symphony orchestras and six choirs.
Photos: Dmitrijs Sulzics, Kaspars Garda
Great Guild
Address: Amatu iela 6, Riga LV1050
The Great Guild Hall, is one of the oldest public buildings in the Baltics, its roots going back as far as the 14th century. Historically, the building has always been open to cultural, community and social events. After a fire in the building in 1963, a new lobby was added and the interior adapted for concert use, resulting in the Riga Philharmonic being established in the Latvian capital. Today, the Great Guild Hall continues to host concerts, conferences, seminars and even social events. It is also home to Latvia’s National Symphony Orchestra. The Great Hall and its balcony has 669 seats.
Photos: Andrejs Terentjevs, f64
Riga Congress Centre
Address: K. Valdemara iela 5, Riga LV1010
The Riga Congress Centre is located in the city centre. Historically, this building was built as a congress and conference centre for the needs of the Communist party. Originally called the House of Political Education, its rooms and library were used solely for Communist Party ideological events.
Constructed and opened in 1982 (the fountain was re-constructed in 2000), its 1200-seat conference hall and convenient city-centre location make the Riga Congress Centre a key public building. These days, the Congress Centre regularly hosts concerts by visiting and local artists, dance and theatre performances, and many other types of cultural programmes and events.
Photos: Riga2017, f64
Great Hall of University of Latvia
Address: Raina bulvaris 19, 1050 Riga
The Great Hall of the University of Latvia was opened and consecrated on 28 September 1935. The hall, with a classic 1930s interior, is graded as an architectural monument. The interior is of symmetrical construction, with columns and balconies along its edges. It also features ancient architectural forms – a variety of ornamental motifs and column capitals.
The Great Hall has been an important venue since its opening, not only for the university but also for the development of choral music in Latvia. Every five years, it hosts a key event of Latvia’s magnificent Song Celebration, the amateur choir competition. It is also the venue for regular local and international classical music concerts. Including the balcony, the hall can accommodate more than 700 spectators.
Photos: f64
Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music
Address: K. Barona iela 1, Riga LV1050
Constructed in 1873, the Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music is located in the heart of Riga.
The Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music was founded on 20 August 1919. Its first rector was the composer Jazeps Vitols, many of whose choral pieces have become classics. Its graduates include many noteworthy composers, performing artists and academics of the Latvian music world.
The building, which has been declared a cultural monument, is equipped with modern facilities suitable for different events. The Academy’s facilities are particularly suitable for concerts. At the start of 2014, the Academy began using its new three manual organ, built in Latvia.
Photos: f64
St. Peter's Church
Address: Skarnu iela 19, Riga LV1050
Riga’s St. Peter’s Church is the city’s tallest church (Tower – 123 m), as well as a remarkable 13th-century Gothic archi-tectural monument of national significance, first built in 1209. Riga’s first public clock was installed in St. Peter’s Church tower in 1352. A city guard stood in the church tower, ready to warn of any dangers threatening the city or fire.
The tower of St. Peter’s Church has been rebuilt several times, lightning having struck it six times.
Johann Gottfried Muthel, J.S. Bach's last pupil, was the church organist from 1767 to 1788. Since 1991, St. Peter’s Church has been home to the St. Peter’s Church congregation of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Today the church is used for concerts, themed exhibitions, art exhibitions, cultural events, as well as being an international cultural tourism attraction, open to visitors on a daily basis.
Photos: f64
St. John’s Church
Address: Jana iela 7, Riga LV1050
The church is an architectural monument of national importance, being the only church whose walls are supported by the foundations of the castle of Bishop Albert, the founder of Riga. Today, St. John's Church serves not only as a church but as a venue for concerts of sacred choral and organ music.
Photos: f64
Small Guild
Address: Amatu iela 3-5, Riga LV1050
The Small Guild Hall is located in the heart of the Old Town by Līvu laukums, directly opposite the Liela Gilde (Great Guild Hall). The building was designed by the great architect Johann Daniel Felsko. Its foundation stone was laid in 1864 and it was opened in 1888. The opulent interior is particularly noteworthy, fittingly renovated and restored between 1999 and 2000. All of the Small Guild Hall’s decor has been restored according to the 19th century original, on the basis of documents and photographs. Today, the hall hosts celebratory events, conferences, concerts, balls and presentations.
The Small Guild Hall also operates as a cultural and folk art centre, hosting a variety of cultural organisations – children’s, youth and seniors’ amateur groups, vocal ensembles, applied folk art and fine art studios, amateur theatre, instrumental ensembles and a folkloric group.
Photos: f64
National Library of Latvia - Ziedonis Hall
Address: Mukusalas iela 3, Riga, LV-1423, Latvia
On the 1st level of the National Library of Latvia is Ziedonis Hall which seats anywhere from 357 to 462 individuals. The Hall has excellent acoustics and is recognized as perfectly suitable for chamber music, choral music, and acoustic musical sounds. The main building of the National Library of Latvia, also called Light Castle (Gaismas Pils), was opened to the public in 2014.
The internationally recognized Latvian born architect Gunara Birketa, whose designs were used in countless public buildings around the world, such as: university building, libraries, museums (Corning Glass Museum, Kansas City Contemporary Art Museum, the Federal Reserve in Minneapolis), received the Chicago Architecture Museum Award in 2000 for her work on the National Library of Latvia.
The more than 4 million piece National Library of Latvia compilation is our national collection of both domestic and international publications about Latvia and Latvians, and works by Latvian authors. The National Library of Latvia also houses one of the most important Latvian heritage items, Krisjana Barona Cabinet of Folksongs; which has been added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World list. In the first half of 2015 the main building of the National Library of Latvia hosted the Presidency of the Council of the European Union events.
Photos: Riga2017
Jazeps Medins Riga 1st Music School - Great Hall
Address: Stabu iela 10-4, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
Built in 1909, the Art Nouveau building is a local architectural monument; which was previously used as a Navy Academy. While commemorating its 100th anniversary, this building underwent reconstruction and renovation work. Since 2009 the building is home to Jazepa Medina Riga’s 1st Music School, attended by 700 students and one of the leading boy choirs; which, this year, is celebrating its 35th anniversary. The building has a renovated concert hall with 250 seats, large rehearsal rooms and rooms especially suited for choirs and orchestras.
Jazepa Medina Riga’s 1st Music School beginnings date back to 1927, when a children’s music training camp, Musical Children’s Garden, was organized at the Latvian Conservatory. In 1941 Riga’s Conservatory was renamed to Riga’s State College of Music, however, in 1947 its name changed to one of Latvia’s classical composer’s: Jazeps Medins.
Photos: Raimo Lielbriedis
Dzintari Concert Hall
The Dzintari Concert Hall in Jurmala will be one of the venues for Friendship Concerts in Latvia. The concert hall has a long tradition; its story began at the end of the 19th century with a lively concert life, experienced many historical crisis’ like World War I + II, and is today one of the most popular concert venues in Latvia with an increasing amount of concerts by every season since 2000.
Photos: Ansis Starks
“GORS” Concert Hall
The GORS cultural center, which will be one of the venues for Friendship Concerts, is located in Rezekne, in the Latgale region in the east of Latvia. This region is characterized by its multicultural environment. The “Gors” event center considers itself as “The Embassy of Latgale” and hosts two of the most modern concert halls in the Baltic region, which stand out due to its excellent acoustics. Choirs will perform in the Great Hall named “Gors” with 1,000 seats and 3,000 standing places.
Photos: Andrejs Vasjukevics, Indrikis Sturmanis
“Great Amber” Concert Hall in Liepaja
Liepaja is located at the Baltic Sea and has a broad sandy beach, which is absolutely a sight to see. In 2015 the city’s wish to have an own concert hall has come true. The “Great Amber” has been constructed and is now a regional center of culture and events and will host one of the Friendship Concerts.
“Its architecture is a portrait of music, frozen in time and amber”, is stated on the website and refers to the center’s architectural concept. This is based on amber, the symbol of Latvia and the Baltic Sea, and also focuses on the concert hall’s function as cultural and arts center. Of course, the architecture is accompanied by outstanding acoustics.
Photos: Indrikis Sturmanis, edgarsfoto
Cesis Concert Hall
The sound of international choirs will also be heard in the North of Latvia, namely in Cesis. The city is situated in the north of the Gauja National Park, Latvia’s largest national park. Both the building’s visual image and its event program are dedicated to find a perfect balance between old history and contemporary, modern arts.
The Cesis Concert Hall regularly hosts famous contemporary musicians like violist Gidon Kremer or the contemporary composer Gabriel Prokofiev, and will also warmly welcome the international choirs for Friendship Concerts in July 2017.
Photos: Riga2017
Eva Holm Foosnæs (Norway)
Choir conductor, composer and pianist with #Scandinavia as main region
Artistic director and founder of the Opera di Setra
Conductor of the Chamber Choir Aurum and the Choir of "Opera Trøndelag
Member of the Norwegian Composers' Association
Steen Lindholm (Denmark)
- member of the World Choir Council
- choral and orchestral conductor
- former choirmaster at The Royal Danish Opera
- former Artistic Director of the Copenhagen Concert Society and The Danish Boys Choir
- international adjudicator, conductor and guest lecturer
- jury member at ten editions of the World Choir Games and Senior Advisor of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council
Sara Matteucci (Italy)
- choral conductor, musicologist, and professor of Choral Singing at "Luigi Boccherini" Conservatory of Lucca
- has worked in the main Italian theatres and abroad, collaborating with renowned personalities such as Zubin Mehta, Fabio Luisi, Daniel Oren, Ivan Fischer, Hirofumi Yoshida
- official conductor of the children's choir of the "Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino" and Educational Director of the institution's School of Choral Singing for Children in Florence
- Director of the musicological magazine "Codice 602" (ed. Sillabe)
- often invited to be part of jury panels in national and international choral competitions, is a frequent speaker at conferences and conventions, and the author of numerous publications
Jan Míšek (Czech Republic)
- Graduate of several master classes under Bachakademie Stuttgart with Prof. Helmuth Rilling
- His professors of conducting were Professor Jiří Skopal (University of Hradec Králové) and Doctor Vlastislav Novák (Conservatory Pardubice).
- Founder and conductor of the "Bonifantes Boys Choir"
- Has been presented with a number of awards for outstanding conducting performance and his choir won dozens of gold medals at various international competitions.
- Artistic Director of a professional ensemble "Czech Soloist Consort"
- Involved in composing activities and acknowledged by experts for his interpretation of 20th century music and for historically authentic interpretation of baroque music
- Member of the World Choir Council
Donka Miteva (Bulgaria/Germany)
- Donka Miteva studied orchestra conducting at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf and Choral conducting at the State Academy of Music in Sofia.
- She was awarded scholarships from the Richard Wagner Society, the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, the European Academy Montepulciano and the Noel Minet Foundation.
- Donka Miteva worked with numerous ensembles in Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Czech republic, Hungary, Portugal , China, South Africa a.o.
- 2007 – 2011 she was a Conductor and Choir Director at the State Opera in Münster, Germany.
- She was awarded the 1st Prize at the 7th Int. Competition for young conductors in St. Petersburg, the 3rd Prize at the 5th Int. Conducting Competition Jeunesse Musicales in Bucharest a.o.
- Since October 2011 Donka Miteva is appointed Artistic Director and Conductor of Collegium Musicum Berlin where she conducts two Symphony Orchestras, an Oratorio Choir and a chamber choir.
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council.
Guntars Prānis (Latvia)
- Professor of Musicology and Early Music and Principal of the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music Academy in Riga
- Founder of the Early Music Department, researcher of medieval music, PhD in Musicology about Riga medieval sacred music tradition
- Riga Cathedral Music Director and conductor of many choir and orchestra projects
- Founder of "Schola Cantorum Riga", which has produced many recordings and concerts worldwide
Johan Rooze (Netherlands)
- Artistic Director at INTERKULTUR, Germany.
- Teacher of Jazz piano and Choir at Yeongnam University in Daegu, South-Korea.
- Founder and conductor of the Daegu Jazz Singers in Daegu, South Korea.
- International adjudicator, clinician-, seminar- and workshop-leader.
- Former conductor and artistic director of student Vocal Jazz Group „Dekoor“ and the Student Symphonic Choir and Orchestra (USKO) of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Former professor for Choral Conducting at the Conservatory of Alkmaar and Vocal Jazz at the Conservatory of Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
- Member of INTERKULTUR World Choir Council
Aleksandr Ryzhinskiy (Russia)
- Since 2009 teacher at Gnesins' Russian Academy of Music in Moscow and since 2019 Rector of the academy
- Artistic Director and Conductor of Gnesins' Ensemble of contemporary music "Altro coro"
- Research scientist in the field of Western European choir avant-garde of the 20th century
David Slater (Australia)
- Former lecturer, Australian National University School of Music and 4 prestigious colleges. Jury member of 10 international music festivals.
- Founder/Artistic Director, North Coast Camerata, Coffs Youth Orchestra. Regular guest conductor in several countries.
- Winner of Symphony Australia Prize, National Orchestras of Australia Award and for conducting, composing and service to music in the community.
- Associate Composer, Australian Music Centre and member of the National Choral Association.
- Member of the INTERKULTUR World Choir Council
Alexander Solovyev (Russia)
- Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the “Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatory”, Professor at the Choral Conducting Department, Dean of the Offi ce for Foreign Students’ Affairs of the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
- Artistic Director of the International Festivals of Moscow Conservatory: Autumn Choral Festival named after Prof. Boris Tevlin, Dedicated to the Victory Day, The Sealed Angel, Born in Russia
- Artistic Director of the State Choir of Tula region and Professor at the Choral Conducting Department of Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke
- President of Creative Initiatives Development Fund
- Head of the Association of Folk and Choral Groups of the Russian Musical Union
André van der Merwe (South Africa)
- Musical director of the "Stellenbosch University Choir" (since 2003), the "Stellenberg Girls Choir" (since 1999) and "Voces Cordis" (since 2022)
- Under his baton the "Stellenbosch University Choir" and the "Stellenberg Girls Choir" have won numerous national and international awards
- Often invited to perform as guest conductor, adjudicator and clinician nationally and internationally
- In 2012 he received a ministerial cultural award (Western Cape Government) for his work with choirs and the youth and a civic honorary award from the City of Cape Town.
- Member of the World Choir Council
el turismo de Riga oficina de desarollo
Presidente de INTERKULTUR
Günter Titsch (Alemania)
Presidente honorario
Walter Scheel (Alemania), Ex Presidente de la República Federal Alemana
Morten Lauridsen (EEUU), Presidente Artístico Honorario
Mikis Theodorakis (Grecia), Presidente Artístico Honorario
Comité Artístico
Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß (Alemania), director artístico principal
Assoc. Prof. Romāns Vanags (Letonia)
Christian Ljunggren (Suecia) †
Johan Rooze (Países Bajos)
Fred Sjöberg (Suecia)
Coordinación del proyecto
Diāna Čivle (Letonia), comité organizador nacional
Jelena Dannhauer (Alemania), comitße organizador internacional
INTERKULTUR Comité Ejecutivo
Günter Titsch (Alemania)
Qin Wang (China)
Stefan Bohländer (Alemania)
Dr. Christoph Wirtz (Alemania), secretario general
Libro del programa
Los Grupos Participantes
La metrópolis, situada en el corazón del país, se ha convertido en una ciudad multicultural, en la que un patrimonio de gran riqueza histórica convive en armonía con el ritmo rápido de la vida moderna. Riga, en tanto que perla arquitectónica, es símbolo de la arquitectura modernista y alberga la colección más grande de este estilo a nivel mundial.
Pacífica, dinámica y polifacética, Riga ofrece auténticas experiencias para todos los gustos en materia de arte, música, teatro y diseño, y durante todo el año cuenta con una amplia gama de ofertas culturales. También conocida por el sobrenombre de «el París del Norte», Riga siempre deja huella en aquellas personas que la visitan.
Resultados de la competición
Open Competition | ||
35 Diplomas de ORO | 56 Diplomas de PLATA | 2 Diplomas de BRONCE |
European Champions Competition | ||
29 Medalla de ORO | 23 Medalla de PLATA | 1 Medalla de BRONCE |
Grand Prix of Nations | ||
74 Medalla de ORO | 19 Medalla de PLATA | 0 Medalla de BRONCE |
Resultados(640 KB)