"El festival de los coros representa un punto álgido de la vida cultural en Wernigerode, que enriquece la ciudad y hace llegar los días muy emocionantes. Se debe formar parte de esto, es un evento muy memorable, lo conozco de primera mano."
Diversidad internacional frente un escenario histórico
Desde 1999 el Concurso y Festival Coral Internacional Johannes Brahms es un imán de público para coros y grupos musicales de todo el mundo. La colorada ciudad situada al Harz no solo convence por su encanto de arquitectura medieval sino también por su expresión musical: tres coros prestigiosos de Alemania proceden del pequeño lugar al Harz.
El histórico ayuntamiento y el centro de la ciudad caracterizada por el entramado de Wernigerode ofrecen un escenario único al festival. Al mismo tiempo ciudadanos comprometidos se preocupan como ayudantes voluntarios de coros por un ambiente familiar.
El acento musical del concurso está dedicado al compositor Johannes Brahms y otros románticos del siglo XIX.
Numerosas formaciones pedagógicas ofrecen una excelente posiblilidad del aprendizaje conjunto y de la formación profesional en forma de conciertos de asesoramiento y ensayos con reconocidos especialistas internacionales de coros.
Por el entorno familiar, el precioso escenario y la diversidad internaconal, el festival cuenta hoy en día a los eventos más populares de INTERKULTUR.
Opciones de participación
INTERKULTUR le ofrece a cada coro la posibilidad de elegir o combinar las categorías competitivas y no-competitivas. Aquí está la esquema de lo que se puede eligir:
Participación no-competitiva | Participación competitiva |
Participación en el festival | Categorías de competitición* |
Asesoría individual* | Asesoría individual* |
Actuación evaluada* | Actuación evaluada* |
Participación en el concierto de la amistad incluida
- Categoría A – Nivel de dificultad I
- A1 – Coros mixtos
- A2 – Voces iguales (coros masculinos y femeninos)
- Categoría B – Nivel de dificultad II
- B1 – Coros mixtos
- B2 – Voces iguales (coros masculinos y femeninos)
- Categoría C – Coros de cámara y conjuntos vocales
- C1 – Coros de cámara y conjuntos vocales de voces mixtas
- C2 – Coros de cámara y conjuntos vocales de voces iguales
- Categoría G – Coros infantiles y juveniles
- G1 – Coros infantiles
- G2 – Coros juveniles de voces iguales
- G3 – Coros juveniles de voces mixtas
- Categoría S – Música sacra coral a cappella
- Categoría F – Folclore
- Categoría SP – Espiritual
Se puede descargar el folleto con una discripción de las categorías de la competición más detallada:
Information de participación [inglés](2.5 MB)
Actuación evaluable
Para los coros que NO participen en ningún concurso
- Tres piezas de elección libre
- Actuación frente a un panel de jurado internacional que darán la respuesta artística y pedagógica positiva e inmediata para que el coro mejore.
- Los coros reciben un certificado de participación, evaluación de la actuación y algunas recomendaciones para la participación en los eventos futuros de INTERKULTUR
Número de cantantes: ilimitado
Tiempo cantado real: máximo 15 minutos
Acompañamiento: posible
Duración: 45 minutos
Para los coros que participen en los concursos
- Previamente a los concursos de los coros pueden inscribirse para presentar su programa a un jurado de prestigio interancional
- Aprovechando esta oportunidad los coros reciben comentarios y consejos sobre su interpretación, presentación y afinación.
- Los resultados de esta ronda no influyen sobre la evaluación en los concursos.
Número de cantantes: de acuerdo con las normas del concurso
Tiempo cantado real: de acuerdo con las normas del concurso
Acompañamiento: de acuerdo con las normas del concurso
Duración: 45 minutos
Asesoría individual
- Una pieza de elección del coro
- Un experto coral de prestigio internacional le da una nueva aportación al coro para estimular ideas artísticas y la orientación interpretativa
- Para un ensayo efectivo el coro debe preparar la pieza de antemano
Número de cantantes: ilimitado
Tiempo cantado real: 45 minutos de ensayo
Acompañamiento: posible
Los coros tienen la posibilidad de inscribirse para actuaciones conjuntas con otros coros internacionales. Se pide a los coros preparar un programa de aproximadamente 15 minutos, el cual debe ser confirmado por el comité artístico. El programa del concierto debe ser preferentemente a-capela o con propios instrumentos. Un piano o un piano electrónico estarán disponibles bajo petición.
Por favor tengan en cuenta que una gran parte de los conciertos de la amistad serán planeados al aire libre. Si las condiciones meteorológicas no lo permiten, existe la posibilidad de la cancelación individual de conciertos según las condiciones del tiempo. Los organizadores procurarán encontrar sitios sustitutos, pero a lo cual no están obligados.
Los coros pueden participar también solo en los conciertos de la amistad.
Coros que hayan recibido un premio en su categoría pueden participar en la competición por el Premio Grande. El jurado se reserva el derecho de admitir otros coros. El ganador de esta competición recibirá el Premio Grande Johannes Brahms 2019 dotado de 2.000 €.
- Programa: Dos piezas de elección libre, presentadas a capella. No pueden ser las mismas obras que el coro ya presentó en la competición. Las partituras deben ser confirmadas por el comité artístico.
- Tiempo cantado real: Máximo de 8 minutos.
"Muchas gracias por su correo y, de nuevo, muchas gracias por la organización excelente. Me encantó el tiempo en Wernigerode y siempre nos divertíamos mucho entre el trabajo, ¡que es muy sano!"
"El nivel alto de los coros, la camaradería entre los cantantes, el jurado, la organización estupenda y el encanto de Wernigerode se convirtieron el evento en una experiencia de clase mundial."
"Muchas gracias por persuadirme de participar en este evento en Wernigerode. Estamos muy agradecidos por su apoyo y asistencia antes y durante del evento. Disfrutamos cada minuto de nuestra estancia en Wernigerode y esperamos formar parte del evento en los próximos dos años."
Información para la inscripción
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¿Les interesa la participación en este tipo del evento? Entonces sólo tiene que consultar el resumen para ver cuando este evento tendrá lugar la próxima vez. También se puede encontrar más destinos y fechas de nuestros eventos internacionales.
Únase al boletín de INTERKULTUR
Festivales, competiciones corales, proyectos de cantar juntos: aprende más sobre las oportunidades de actuación especiales con el gratuito boletín de INTERKULTUR.
Detalles del evento
Miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019
- Llegada
- 19:00 Ilsenburg Monastery: conciertos de la amistad
- 19:30 St. Sylvestri Church: Concierto de apertura
- Turismo y excursiones*
Jueves, 4 de julio de 2019
- 11:00 Silstedt Museum Courtyard: conciertos de la amistad
- 13:00 Drübeck Monastery: conciertos de la amistad
- 13:00 Harzer Culture and Congress Center: concurso en la categorías G1, G2 y G3
- 14:00 Market Square: conciertos de la amistad
- 17:30 Town Center: Desfile del Coro
- 18:00 Market Square: Evento de Apertura
- Turismo y excursiones*
Viernes, 5 de julio de 2019
- 10:00 Harzer Culture and Congress Center: concurso en la categorías F y B1
- 11:00 St. Sylvestri Church: concurso en la categoría C1
- 14:00 St. Sylvestri Church: concurso en la categorías S y SP
- 14:00 & 16:00 Market Square: conciertos de la amistad
- 17:00 Blankenburg Castle: conciertos de la amistad
- 19:00 Benzingerode Church: conciertos de la amistad
- 19:00 Harzer Culture and Congress Center: concurso en la categoría A1
- 19:00 Goslar Market Church: concierto benéfico
- 19:30 Market Square: Noche Folklórica
- Turismo y excursiones*
Sábado, 6 de julio de 2019
- 10:30 Harzer Culture and Congress Center: concurso en la categoría B2
- 11:00 Market Square: conciertos de la amistad
- 11:30 Glass Factory Derenburg: conciertos de la amistad
- 13:00 Market Square: conciertos de la amistad
- 14:00 Hasseröder Recreational Park: conciertos de la amistad
- 16:00 Wernigerode Sports Hall: competición de Gran Premio
- 19:00 Market Square: Ceremonia de Premiación y Fiesta del Coro
- Turismo y excursiones*
Domingo, 7 de julio de 2019
- 10:00 Wernigerode Sports Hall: Closing Concert
- Turismo y excursiones*
- Salida
dependiendo del horario individual
¡Salvo modificaciones!
Si se está interesado en excursiones individuales por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a travel(at)interkultur.com.
Miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019 | 19:30
Colegiata St. Sylvestri
Las entradas para el concierto inaugural se pueden comprar en línea a través de la ciudad de Wernigerode.
Miércoles, 3 de junio de 2019
Monasterio de Ilsenburg | 19:00
- Oblivion Ensemble, Rusia
- The Hong Kong University Students' Union Choir, China/Hong Kong
Jueves, 4 de junio de 2019
Patio del Museo Silstedt | 11:00
- The Voice of Wanquanhe, China
- Trollhättens Kammerkör, Suecia
Monasterio de Drübeck | 13:00
- Männerchor Drübeck 1878 e.V., Alemania
- MGV Volkschor Concordia Ilsenburg e. V., Alemania
- Kolding Bykor, Dinamarca
Plaza del Mercado | 14:00
- P-A'ss Chorale, Bélgica
- The NQR Vocal Ensemble, Grecia
- Women Vocal Ensemble – Harmonya, Kfar-Saba, Israel
- Helsingin Laulu, Finlandia
Viernes, 5 de junio de 2019
Plaza del Mercado | 14:00
- Corul Angeli Junior, Rumania
- Trollhättens Kammerchör, Suecia
- Music Office Youth Choir, China
Plaza del Mercado | 16:00
- Hangzhou Aiyue Tianshi Choir, China
- Ars Vivendi, Alemania
- Mädchenkammerchor des Gerhart-Hauptmann-Gymnasiums, Alemania
- Hngzyang na Matui & Nahuy, China Taipéi
Castillo de Blankenburg | 17:00
- Villanella, Bélgica
- Vokalensemble Familie Kraft, Alemania
- The Voice of Wanquanhe, China
Iglesia de Benzingerode | 19:00
- Chorgemeinschaft Benzingerode, Alemania
- Easter, Rusia
- Ilsenburger Frauenchor, Alemania
Plaza del Mercado | 19:30 | Velada Folklórica
- Strathmore University Chorale, Kenia
- Tian Hang Zhi Sheng Choir, China
- Oblivion ensemble, Rusia
- Women Vocal Ensemble - Harmonya, Kfar-Saba, Israel
- UiTM Chamber Choir, Malasia
Sábado, 6 de junio de 2019
Plaza del Mercado | 11:00
- Männergesangverein Hasserode 1865 e.V., Alemania
- Gøtu Kirkju Ungdómskór, Islas Feroe
- Choir of Gnesins College of Music, Rusia
- The Hong Kong University Students' Union Choir, China/Hong Kong
- Choir of Gnesins College of Music & Girls Choir of Gnesins College of Music, Rusia
Fábrica de vidrio Derenburg | 11:30
- Ars Nova Vocal Ensemble, Hungría
- Dele Children's Choir of Nanjing East Beijing Road Primary School, China
- Wernigeröder Männerchor 1848 e.V., Alemania
Plaza del Mercado | 13:00
- UiTM Chamber Choir, Malasia
- Senza Rigore Chamber Choir, Polonia
- Kolding Bykor, Dinamarca
- Nova Cantica, Alemania
- Frauenchor Wernigerode e.V., Alemania
Parque recreativo de Hassenröder | 14:00
- Männerchor Liederkranz 1843 Zwickau e. V., Alemania
- Madrigal Choir, China
Church St. Sylvestri
Address: Oberpfarrkirchhof 12, 38855 Wernigerode
The foundation of the church St. Sylvestrikirche on the Klint (oldest part of Wernigerode) dates back to the intensive missionary work of the Benedictines of the monastery Corvey/Weser.
Nothing is left from this first small church. But the pillars from the following crosswise, three-naved and Romanic building (around 1100) are still standing inside the church. The last major architectural changes were done from 1880-1886, when the neo-Gothic tower was built. The former Romanic flat slab was reinstalled due to static reasons and nowadays keeps the acoustics in good stead during concerts.
The church features many extraordinary works of art and commodities, e.g. two bells from 1297 and 1500, epitaphs from five centuries, textiles (from 1520 on), an oak wardrobe (13. Jh.), a Baroque organ from 1790. The Gothic altar (Brussels 1480) and its crucifix (around 1300) also attract the attention of the visitors. The church invites to pause for peace and meditation but also to Sunday masses and weekly concerts in summer and is very popular for weddings.
Reference: www.sylvestri-liebfrauen-wernigerode.de, Photo: INTERKULTUR
Market Square Wernigerode
The marketplace in Wernigerode with its town hall and the timber frame buildings is a must-see for every visitor of the Harz. The town hall was originally being erected as a "Spelhus" and served as a court as well as a place for public entertainment for dance, juggler events and wedding festivities. Today it is the office building of the municipality Wernigerode. On the marketplace in front of the town hall the Wohltäterbrunnen (benefactor well) is being situated. The well, which was casted in 1848 by the iron foundry Ilsenburg, shall remind the citizens of all people who rendered outstanding services for the welfare of Wernigerode. In 1991 e.g. the city installed a plaque for colonel Gustav Petri, who saved the city of Wernigerode in 1945 of being destroyed with his brave intervention. During the competition friendship concerts will be taking place on the market place.
Reference: www.wernigerode-tourismus.de, Photo: INTERKULTUR
Harzer Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Wernigerode
Address: Pfarrstraße 41, 38855 Wernigerode
The "Harzer Kultur- und Kongresszentrum" is lokated a few minutes from the Market Square. It is integrated in the complex of the "HKK-Hotel". Approximately 15000 guests visit this cultural event site every year. You can see theater performances, shows, musicals, Irish folk, events for children, pop and rock, folk music and much more there.
Text and photo: INTERKULTUR
Marktkirche St. Cosmas und Damian Zum Markte Goslar
The Marktkirche is the main parish church of the formerly imperial-rich and merchant city of Goslar and was consecrated to the patron saints of doctors and pharmacists, Cosmas and Damian. It still forms the central intersection of an "Ottonian Church Cross", which was completed in the middle of the 12th century.
It is the main council church of the former imperial city. It is clearly visible in the center near the market square and remains unmistakable due to its differently designed towers. Those who climb the 237 steps can enjoy the magnificent view of the city.
Text and photo: Marktkirche Goslar
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krell
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krell was born in 1928. He studied music and chemistry at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittemberg between 1947 and 1951. He was a teacher at the extended secondary school in Wernigerode since 1951. Right at the start of his work he founded the mixed youth choir. The ensemble, known today as the Wernigerode Radio Youth Choir, enjoys international recognition. Friedrich Krell is a voice teacher whose main aim is to achieve a special ideal in sound quality. During his scientific work in the field of choral music he was primarily concerned with the problem of perceiving and performing 16th century music, as he wrote in his dissertation in 1970. In 1988 Friedrich Krell founded the “Wernigeröder Singakademie”, in 1991 he was appointed to be the director of the Wernigerode College of Music that was built upon his special classes for music. In 1994 the Federal State Music Council of Sachsen-Anhalt charged him with the formation of the Federal State Youth Choir of Sachsen-Anhalt, which has also earned significant artistic recognition since then. Friedrich Krell is a renowned advisor, lecturer at courses for choral conductors and an internationally acting adjudicator for several choral competitions. For his outstanding contributions to the choral movement he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2003.
Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß
Ralf Eisenbeiß was born in 1952 in Zeulenroda. After his secondary school examination he studied pedagogy, German philology and musical education. He received his PhD in 1979 at the Pedagogical University of Zwickau. From 1978 to 1981, he studied choir and orchestra conducting at the Franz Liszt Conservatory in Weimar.
Ralf Eisenbeiß was working as the director of the choral department at the Pedagogical University in Zwickau and appointed professor for choir conducting and choral singing in 1987. He was conductor of the renowned Pedagogical University Zwickau Choir. With his choir he performed a wide repertoire of compositions for a cappella choirs and with orchestra, too. Under his direction the choir won numerous prizes at national and international choir competitions.
Ralf Eisenbeiß was lecturer at the central seminar for choral conductors in Berlin and organized numerous workshops himself. He often appears as guest conductor at home and abroad. Since almost 30 years he works as artistic director of INTERKULTUR. Ralf Eisenbeiß is founder of the Int. Robert Schumann Choir Competition in Zwickau and one of the founders of the World Choir Games. Since 1992 he was responsible for more than 150 international competitions of INTERKULTUR in Germany, Italy, Korea, Indonesia, China, Austria, Spain, USA and other countries. Ralf Eisenbeiß is very often invited as a juror in national and other international choir competitions all over the world.
Peter Habermann (Germany)
Peter Habermann received his first musical education as a member of the Dresden Kreuzchor. This was followed by a course of Vocal Studies in Dresden which he passed with a First Class Honours degree to be a singing teacher. Since 1984, he has been teaching at the Landesgymnasium für Musik Wernigerode. His scope of work covers both the field of vocal training and the choral education of this institution’s students.
For many years, he acted as a Deputy Artistic Director of the Rundfunkjugendchor Wernigerode with Friedrich Krell. Later, he led the institution’s Children Choir with great success before he became Artistic Director of the Rundfunkjugendchor in 1996, a responsibility that he held until 2004 and has been holding again from 2008 until today.
His work with this internationally renowned ensemble has been rewarded with numerous prizes, and has resulted in many CD recordings as well as concert tours both at home and abroad.
In 2003, he founded the Wernigerode Chamber Choir, a project choir comprising former Rundfunkjugendchor members which he led until 2010. He is also committed to amateur music: for 10 years, he conducted the men’s choir of the village Drübeck. Peter Habermann is an active singer, speaker and juror for INTERKULTUR events and the German Choral Contest.
Willi Becker (Germany)
Willi Becker is an experienced chorus and orchestra conductor. Festivals and competitions all over Germany and beyond appreciate his knowledge and experience as lecturer and juror.
Holdinge a scholarship holder of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Willi Becker studied from 1970 - 1974 at the University of Mainz. From 1977 to 1981 he studied school music and music sciences at the University of Koblenz.
He gained valuable impulses for his choral work by attending master classes, among others with Eric Ericson, Robert Sund (S), Robert Shaw (USA), Bob Chilcott (GB), Simon Helthey (GB), Frieder Bernius, Volker Hempfling and Wolfgang Schäfer (D).
Willi Becker was successful with his choirs at national and international choral competitions, e.g. the first prize at the 4th German Choral Competition in Fulda. He was artistic director of the Europa Cantat Music Commission 2006.
Concert tours were conducted by Willi Becker and his ensembles through Europe, Russia, the USA, Japan and South America. CD's, records, radio and television productions document his extensive choral and concert activities.
He was the director of the State Youth Choir (1985-1995) and the State Music Academy (1995 to 1999) of Rhineland-Palatinate. From 1999 to 2016 Willi Becker was music coordinator in the "Kultursommer" of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Ralf Eisenbeiß (Germany)
Ralf Eisenbeiß was born in 1952 in Zeulenroda. After his secondary school examination he studied pedagogy, German philology and musical education. He received his PhD in 1979 at the Pedagogical University of Zwickau. From 1978 to 1981, he studied choir and orchestra conducting at the Franz Liszt Conservatory in Weimar.
Ralf Eisenbeiß was working as the director of the choral department at the Pedagogical University in Zwickau and appointed professor for choir conducting and choral singing in 1987. He was conductor of the renowned Pedagogical University Zwickau Choir. With his choir he performed a wide repertoire of compositions for a cappella choirs and with orchestra, too. Under his direction the choir won numerous prizes at national and international choir competitions.
Ralf Eisenbeiß was lecturer at the central seminar for choral conductors in Berlin and organized numerous workshops himself. He often appears as guest conductor at home and abroad. Since more than 20 years he works as artistic director of INTERKULTUR. Ralf Eisenbeiß is founder of the Int. Robert Schumann Choir Competition in Zwickau and one of the founders of the World Choir Games. Since 1992 he was responsible for about hundred international competitions of INTERKULTUR in Germany, Italy, Korea, Indonesia, China, Austria, Spain, USA and other countries. Ralf Eisenbeiß is very often invited as a juror in national and other international choir competitions all over the world.
Sabine Haenebalcke (Belgium)
As a concert pianist, Sabine Haenebalcke earned early acclaim for her outstanding Chopin interpretations, and was a valued member of several chamber ensembles. She later trained as a choirmistress and conductor with such names as Nicolas Brochot (Paris), Pierre Cao (Luxembourg) and Laszlo Heltay (London).
She has been a singer for many years, among others with Philippe Herreweghe’s Collegium Vocale and in 1990 founded what would rapidly become a vocal ensemble of considerable standing, Kalliope. Sabine Haenebalcke made her orchestral debut in 1997 as conductor of the Flanders Symphony Orchestra. Since then, her repertoire has grown to include most major oratorios by Bach, Mozart, Verdi (Requiem), Brahms, Fauré, Webber, Michael Tippett (A child of Our Time) and other masters but she also created various works by Flemish composers.
She is the resident choirmistress of Kalliope (Ghent), and, as of recently, the oratorium choir Altra Voce (Kortrijk) and Toon op Toon (Ronse). Sabine Haenebalcke is also highly sought after as a choir coach and is honorary teacher of piano at MUDA in Ghent.
Eva Ugalde Álvarez (Spain)
Born in San Sebastian in 1973, Eva Ugalde Álvarez began writing choral music encouraged by the Basque composer Javier Busto. Her particular language, perfectly intelligible in its complexity, and organic for the voice, results in her works being performed all over the world.
Eva Ugalde Álvarez is a regular jury member in national and international competitions such as the European Award for Choral Composers or the international festival "Leonardo de Medici III" in Florence.
In recent years, she has taught masterclasses focused on her work (Pyrenaeum Música, Spain or Movincanto, Italy), courses in choral composition (European Seminar Per Compositori, Aosta, Italy) and conferences ("Composition from a female perspective" for the University of Valencia).
In her role as conductor, she has been invited to Hungary to conduct her works with the Cantemus Female Choir of the Kodaly Institute, one of the world's leading groups in their discipline.
She has recently participated in the recording of a monograph of her music by ALAIA women's choir in Madrid, which has been available since December 2018.
Romāns Vanags (Latvia)
Romāns Vanags is a graduate of Emils Darzins' specialized music college and of the Department of Choir and Orchestra Conducting of Jazeps Vitols' Latvian State Conservatory in Riga. He has received a diploma in choir conducting and in music pedagogy. He studied also symphonic orchestra conducting. In 2003, Romāns Vanags received the professional master's degree in music.
His professional work is focused on conducting and pedagogy. He has been the Chief Conductor of the teachers' choir "Vanema" from 1984 – 2004 and since 1990, he has been the principal Conductor of the Latvian University Female Choir "Minjona". Since 1987, he has been Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of Jāzeps Mediņš Music School Boys` Choir and has worked with the Jāzeps Mediņš Music College Symphonic Orchestra from 1990 – 1993. Since 1987 Romāns Vanags was employed at the Latvian Academy of Music in Riga as professor of choir conducting. From 2005 to 2012 he was the head of the Conducting Department.
Romāns Vanags has been the organizer of various courses for conductors in numerous countries around the world and also jury member of many international choral competitions. He has been appointed as one of the chief conductors of the All Latvian Song Celebration and the Youth Song Festival. Since 2008 he is a member of the World Choir Council. Since August 2014 Romāns Vanags is one of the Artistic Directors of INTERKULTUR and also chairman of the Latvian choral conductors’ board.
The choirs conducted by Romāns Vanags have won numerous awards at international competitions (Arezzo, Debrecen, Tour, Varna, Powel River) and made concert tours all over the world.
In 2008 Romāns Vanags received the highest civil decoration in Latvia – the Three Star Order.
André van der Merwe (South Africa)
André van der Merwe is a conductor and composer from Cape Town, South Africa. He is often invited to perform as guest conductor, adjudicator and clinician nationally and internationally. He has been invited to work with universities and companies in the USA, Sweden, Germany, China, and Portugal amongst others. André van der Merwe initially studied B.Mus at the University of Cape Town, but later changed course and studied B.Drama (Directing) at the University of Stellenbosch. He received national awards and prizes as actor and director. André van der Merwe was invited e.g. as adjudicator and clinician for the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, Wales (July 2013) and guest conductor and lecturer for the Taipei International Choral Festival and the Taipei Philharmonic (August 2013). His arrangements of African music are published by Earthsongs in the USA. Currently he conducts the Stellenbosch University Choir (number one choir on the INTERKULTUR World Rankings) and the the Stellenberg Girls Choir. From 2005 – 2012 he has established and conducted the South African Youth Choir. In 2012 André van der Merwe received a ministerial cultural award (Western Cape Government) for his work with choirs and the youth and a civic honorary award from the City of Cape Town. In 2012 André has been selected as the South African representative on the World Choir Council for INTERKULTUR.
Förderverein INTERKULTUR e.V.
Ciudad de Wernigerode
en colaboración con
el estado federado Sachsen-Anhalt
el consejo musical de Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
la asociación coral de Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. en la asociación coral de Alemania
el colegio musical de Wernigerode
Presidente de INTERKULTUR
Günter Titsch (Alemania)
Comité Artístico
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krell (Alemania), presidente honorario
Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß (Alemania), director artístico principal
Peter Habermann (Alemania)
INTERKULTUR Comité Ejecutivo
Günter Titsch (Alemania)
Qin Wang (China)
Stefan Bohländer (Alemania)
Dr. Christoph Wirtz (Alemania), secretario general
Organizadores son Förderverein INTERKULTUR e.V. y la ciudad de Wernigerode.
El 11 Festival y Competición Coral Internacional de Johannes Brahms es organizado con el soporte de:
Patrocinador general
Stadtwerke Wernigerode
Land Sachsen-Anhalt
Hasseröder Brauerei GmbH
Lotto Toto
Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH
Lions-Club Wernigerode 'Anna zu Stolberg'
Harzer Volksstimme
Gebäude- und Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH
Hasseröder Ferienpark
Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall GmbH
Harzdruckerei GmbH
Wernigerode Tourismus GmbH
Harzer Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH
Autohaus Wille GmbH
Chorverband Sachsen-Anhalt
Los grupos participantes
Nos alegramos de 45 coros participantes de 17 naciones en el XI Festival de Coros y Certamen Internacional Johannes Brahms!
Wernigerode es una ciudad con una atmósfera muy especial. No es solo una joya de la arquitectura medieval pero también es una ciudad interesante por su posición geográfica – está al borde de Harz, la cordillera baja de Alemania. Hay muy pocas ciudades en Alemania con tan muchos hermosas casas con lados de madera. La ciudad ofrece el marco ideal para el desfile de coros, ceremonia de apertura y actuaciones al aire libre. Además, el ferrocarril de vía angosta les invita a Uds. a discubrir los alrededores y a disfrutar esta experiencia única.
Hay varias maneras de llegar a Wernigerode en avión:
Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF) está 244 kilómetros del centro de Wernigerode. Varias líneas aéreas realizan vuelos regulares a SXF: airberlin, Belavia, Condor, Eurowings, Germania, Germanwings, Norwegian, Ryanair etc.
Berlin-Tegel Airport (TXL) está 236 kilómetros del centro de Wernigerode. Varias líneas aéreas realizan vuelos regulares a TXL: airBaltic, Air France, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, Brussels Airlines, Eurowings, Germania, Germanwings, Lufthansa, Qatar Airways, Swiss, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines etc.
Hannover Airport (HAJ) está 131 kilómetros del centro de Wernigerode. Varias líneas aéreas realizan vuelos regulares a HAJ: germanwings, Alitalia, Air Berlin, Air France, Lufthansa, Brussels Airlines, Aeroflot Russian Airlines, British Airways, Austrian, American Airlines, Iberia, Belavia etc.
Leipzig/Halle Airport (LEJ) está 136 kilómetros del centro de Wernigerode. Varias líneas aéreas realizan vuelos regulares a LEJ: germanwings, Air Berlin, Ryanair, Lufthansa, Austrian, Iberia, Germania etc.
Resultados de la competición
¡Felicitamos a todos los cantantes por sus resultados! En total entregamos 32 diplomas de oro y 18 de plata. ¡Muchas gracias a todos los coros y conjuntos por su participación!
Resultados(340 KB)