Le damos las gracias a Usted y el equipo por una organización excelente y un festival maravilloso. Hemos pasado un tiempo muy bueno y especial en Corfú. Somos un coro joven y ha sido una experiencia muy importante para nosotros. El cantar en lugares diferentes en Corfú y la interacción con otros coros ha sido muy emocionante. Nos sentimos muy honrados y felices por nuestro diploma de oro y por poder ser parte del festival.
II Festival Internacional y Concurso Coral de Corfú
Canto en la isla verde!
El "II Festival Internacional y Concuros Coral de Corfú" se organiza con el apoyo de la asociación de coros de esta ciudad y por secunda vez traerá a cantantes de todo el mundo para que vibre la capital de las Islas Jónicas.
Corfú es la isla más verde de Grecia. Además de ofrecer bahías de ensueño, largas playas y costas escarpadas, esta isla de unos 600 km² de superficie está cubierta por bosques de olivos. El ambiente mediterráneo de la isla ha atraído desde siempre a millones de turistas. La emperatriz Isabel de Baviera, más conocida como Sissi, pasó aquí los que quizá fueron los años más felices de su vida.
El casco histórico de Corfú fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 2007.
Ya en la Antigüedad y también durante la Edad Media, esta isla recibió influencias de muchas culturas diferentes. En concreto, la cultura de la República de Venecia se mezcló aquí con las tradiciones ortodoxas-griegas, que fueron evolucionando hasta convertirse en la cultura independiente que reina hoy en día.
Opciones de participación
En este evento de INTERKULTUR se puede elegir entre las siguientes opciones de participación:
Participación no-competitiva | Participación competitiva |
Participación en el festival** | Categorías de competición* |
Ronda de asesoramiento* | Ronda de asesoramiento* |
Ensayo con un director internacional* | Ensayo con un director internacional* |
Participación en un concierto de la amistad incluida
* Participación en por lo menos dos conciertos incluida
- Categoría A – Nivel de dificultad I
- A1 – Coros mixtos
- A2 – Coros masculinos
- A3 – Coros femeninos
- Categoría B – Nivel de dificultad II
- B1 – Coros mixtos
- B2 – Coros masculinos
- B3 – Coros femeninos
- Categoría G – Coros infantiles y juveniles
- G1 – Coros infantiles
- G2 – Coros juveniles de voces iguales
- G3 – Coros juveniles de voces mixtas
- Categoría S – Música coral ortodoxa y sacra a capela
- S1 – Música tradicional ortodoxa
- S2 – Música cristiana coral no ortodoxa
- Categoría F – Folclore
- Categoría P – Música coral de pop y jazz
Se puede descargar el folleto con una discripción de las categorías de la competición más detallada:
Información de participación(560 KB)
Actuación evaluable
Para los coros que NO participen en ningún concurso
- Tres piezas de elección libre
- Actuación frente a un panel de jurado internacional que darán la respuesta artística y pedagógica positiva e inmediata para que el coro mejore.
- Los coros reciben un certificado de participación, evaluación de la actuación y algunas recomendaciones para la participación en los eventos futuros de INTERKULTUR
Número de cantantes: ilimitado
Tiempo cantado real: máximo 15 minutos
Acompañamiento: posible
Duración: 45 minutos
Para los coros que participen en los concursos
- Previamente a los concursos de los coros pueden inscribirse para presentar su programa a un jurado de prestigio interancional
- Aprovechando esta oportunidad los coros reciben comentarios y consejos sobre su interpretación, presentación y afinación.
- Los resultados de esta ronda no influyen sobre la evaluación en los concursos.
Número de cantantes: de acuerdo con las normas del concurso
Tiempo cantado real: de acuerdo con las normas del concurso
Acompañamiento: de acuerdo con las normas del concurso
Duración: 45 minutos
Asesoría individual
- Una pieza de elección del coro
- Un experto coral de prestigio internacional le da una nueva aportación al coro para estimular ideas artísticas y la orientación interpretativa
- Para un ensayo efectivo el coro debe preparar la pieza de antemano
Número de cantantes: ilimitado
Tiempo cantado real: 45 minutos de ensayo
Acompañamiento: posible
Los coros tienen la oportunidad de inscribirse para actuaciones conjuntas con otros coros internacionales. Se pide a los coros que preparen un programa de aproximadamente 15 minutos, el cual debe ser confirmado por el comité artístico. El programa del concierto debe ser preferentemente “a-capela” (o con sus propios instrumentos). Un piano o un piano eléctrico estarían disponibles bajo petición.
Tengan en cuenta que una gran parte de las actuaciones serán al aire libre. Si las condiciones meteorológicas no lo permiten, existe la posibilidad de la cancelación de los conciertos. Los organizadores se esforzarán por encontrar otro sitio donde los coros puedan actuar, pero no están obligados a esto.
También existe la posibilidad de participar solo en los conciertos de la amistad.
Los ganadores de las respectivas categorías pueden participar en el concurso del Premio coral internacional de Corfú 2018. El jurado se reserva el derecho de nombrar más coros para la participación. El ganador de este concurso recibe el Premio coral internacional de Corfú 2018.
- Programa: Dos piezas corales a-capela de libre elección, que no se han interpretado en el programa del concurso. El comité artístico da el consentimiento para las piezas corales.
- Tiempo de actuación: El tiempo cantado real no ha de exceder un máximo de 8 minutos.
"Los niños del coro y yo les queremos dar las gracias para las magnificas experiencias durante el festival en Corfú … conocimos otros coros, hemos escuchado música maravillosa y hemos recibido un premio muy importante para nosotros … esto para nosotros es un incentivo para seguir trabajando en nuestra música coral. Muchas Gracias!"
"Me gustaría dar las gracias a INTERKULTUR por el tiempo maravilloso durante el 1° Festival Internacional y Concurso coral. [...] Espero de reunirnos de nuevo pronto en un otro festival. Muchos saludos de PETALOUDES RHODOS."
Información para la inscripción
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¿Les interesa la participación en este tipo del evento? Entonces sólo tiene que consultar el resumen para ver cuando este evento tendrá lugar la próxima vez. También se puede encontrar más destinos y fechas de nuestros eventos internacionales.
Únase al boletín de INTERKULTUR
Festivales, competiciones corales, proyectos de cantar juntos: aprende más sobre las oportunidades de actuación especiales con el gratuito boletín de INTERKULTUR.
Detalles del evento
Miércoles, el 12 de septiembre de 2018
- Llegada
- Pruebas de escenario y ensayos
- Rondas de asesoramiento para coros que participan en el concurso
- Conciertos y actuaciones en Corfú y alrededores
- Buenas tardes: Concurso de categoría F - Folclore (Parte 1)
- 20:30: Concierto de apertura
- Turismo y excursiones*
Jueves, el 13 de septiembre de 2018
- Pruebas de escenario y ensayos
- Conciertos y actuaciones en Corfú y alrededores
- Buenos días: Concurso en las categorías G - Coros infantiles y juveniles, B - Coros mixtos y femeninos
- Buenas tardes: Concurso de categoría F - Folclore (Parte 2)
- Buenas tardes: Desfile del Coro y Evento de Apertura
- Turismo y excursiones*
Viernes, el 14 de septiembre de 2018
- Pruebas de escenario y ensayos
- Conciertos y actuaciones en Corfú y alrededores
- Buenos días: Concurso en las categorías A3 - Coros femeninos & A1 - Coros mixtos (Parte 1)
- Buenas tardes: Concurso en categoría S1 - Música Ortodoxa Tradición y S2 - Música Cristiana No Ortodoxa
- Buenas noches: Concurso de Coros Mixtos de la categoría A1 (Parte 2)
- Por la noche: Concierto de gala
- Turismo y excursiones*
Sábado, el 15 de septiembre de 2018
- Pruebas de escenario y ensayos
- Rondas de asesoramiento para coros que no participan en el concurso
- Conciertos y actuaciones en Corfú y alrededores
- Buenos días: Concurso en la categoría P - Música Popular Coral y Jazz
- Buenas tardes: Gran Premio Concurso
- 8:30: Ceremonia de Premiación, Concierto de Clausura y Fiesta Coral
- Turismo y excursiones*
Domingo, el 16 de septiembre de 2018
- Turismo y excursiones*
- Salida
dependiendo del horario individual
¡Sujeto a cambios!
Si se está interesado en excursiones individuales por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a travel(at)interkultur.com.
Miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018 | 20:30
Fortaleza antigua – Teatro al aire libre
Jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018 | 20:00
Fortaleza antigua – Teatro al aire libre
Viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018 | 20:30
Iglesia de San Jorge
Miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018
M. Theotoki Square (San Giacomo) | 11:00
- Koryfó, Grecia
- Lúčnica Chorus, Eslovaquia
- Funky Voices, Gran Bretaña
Square of St. Spiridon | 17:30
- Sct Peders Koncertkor, Dinamarca
- Corfu Municipal Choir "Dimodokos", Grecia
- Coro Organum, España
- Turun Tuomiokirkon Nuorisokuoro, Finlandia
Jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018
M. Theotoki Square (San Giacomo) | 11:00
- Suanplu Chorus, Tailandia
- Pěvecké sdružení ostravských učitelek, República Checa
- Chór Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Polonia
Square of St. Spiridon | 11:00
- Appassionato Choir, Rumania
- KeyChord, Países Bajos
- Corfu Municipal Choir San Giacomo, Grecia
- Lúčnica Chorus, Eslovaquia
Viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018
M. Theotoki Square (San Giacomo) | 11:00
- Shenyang Feng Zhi Yun Choir, China
- Coro Juvenil del Conservatorio Superior José María Rodríguez, Ecuador
- Haapsalu Kammerkoor, Estonia
Square of St. Spiridon | 17:30
- Lúčnica Chorus, Eslovaquia
- ITL Segakoor, Estonia
- Mixed Youth Choir of Music School of Ilion, Grecia
- Prietenii Muzicii, Rumania
Sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2018
Square of St. Spiridon | 11:00
- Hara'nanim, Israel
- Cultural Association of Chlomos (Thomas Palaiologos), Grecia
- Sunnmøre Festivalkor, Noruega
- Kud "Učka" Matulji, Croacia
Municipal Theater
Address: G Theotoki 68, cnr Mantzarou, Corfu Town
The Municipal Theater of Corfu was inaugurated in 1997 and is the last of the Municipal Theaters which were established in Greece. Therefore it is also one of the most modern in all of Greece. It is a host for theatre productions as well as for music events. Also it was one of the Venues of the annual Audiovisual Arts Festival of the Ionian University.
Photo: Municipality of Corfu
Old Fortress
The old fortress in the capital of Corfu is also Kerkyras landmark. The construction of the old fortress began in the 16th century by the Venetians who ruled Corfu at that time. Today only the outer walls bear witness to this - the buildings inside were essentially erected by the 19th century English rulers.
Parts of the buildings in the northern part of the fortress house the music faculty of the Ionian University. A large open air stage will be erected in front of the St. Georgios temple for the festival.
Photo: Shutterstock/milosk50
St. George Temple
Address: Old Fortress, Corfu Town
The Church of St. George, located in the heart of the old fortress, looks like an ancient Greek temple, even though it was only built in 1840. Today, the building is still used as a church, but also as a concert hall for the Ionian University and for exhibits of art and culture.
Photo: Municipality of Corfu
Ionian Academy
Address: Kapodistriou Street No. 1, Corfu Town
The Ionian Academy in Corfu was the first Greek University of modern times. Between 1824 and 1864, students were taught in its rooms, until the Ionian Islands were reunited with the Greek State. Today the building serves the administrative services of the Ionian University with its beautiful auditorium being designed to perform audiovisual projections and speeches.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß
Ralf Eisenbeiß was born in 1952 in Zeulenroda. After his secondary school examination he studied pedagogy, German philology and musical education. He received his PhD in 1979 at the Pedagogical University of Zwickau. From 1978 to 1981, he studied choir and orchestra conducting at the Franz Liszt Conservatory in Weimar.
Ralf Eisenbeiß was working as the director of the choral department at the Pedagogical University in Zwickau and appointed professor for choir conducting and choral singing in 1987. He was conductor of the renowned Pedagogical University Zwickau Choir. With his choir he performed a wide repertoire of compositions for a cappella choirs and with orchestra, too. Under his direction the choir won numerous prizes at national and international choir competitions.
Ralf Eisenbeiß was lecturer at the central seminar for choral conductors in Berlin and organized numerous workshops himself. He often appears as guest conductor at home and abroad. Since almost 30 years he works as artistic director of INTERKULTUR. Ralf Eisenbeiß is founder of the Int. Robert Schumann Choir Competition in Zwickau and one of the founders of the World Choir Games. Since 1992 he was responsible for more than 150 international competitions of INTERKULTUR in Germany, Italy, Korea, Indonesia, China, Austria, Spain, USA and other countries. Ralf Eisenbeiß is very often invited as a juror in national and other international choir competitions all over the world.
Assoc. Prof. Miranda Caldi
Miranda Caldi is Associate Professor of Choral Conducting at the Music Department of the Ionian University. She specializes in the performance of vocal music of the Renaissance period and the performance of “Opera for Youth”.
She gained her Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of Cape Town in 1972 with the award of the “Eric Chisolm Memorial Prize for General Excellence‟. She gained her Master of Arts degree at the University of York in 1992 followed by a Doctor of Philosophy in Performance Practice in 2002.
Since 1994 she has been Director of the University Choir and Vocal Ensemble at the Ionian University. During this time she has conducted a number of significant performances in Greece and abroad. These have included large and smaller choral works from the Renaissance period to the twentieth century and many world premiers of the works of Greek composers.
Her interests also include the area of “Opera for Youth‟ in which she has taught and organized a number of productions including an International Festival for Youth Opera and commissioned new works from significant contemporary composers. Her editions of the masses of Franciscus Leondaritis have been published by York University Early Music Press and her CD Franciscus Leondaritis Missa super Aller mi fau(l)t (sur) la verdure and four motets was voted one of the top 20 CDs by the magazine Jazz and Jazz in 2003.
Dimitris Ktistakis (Greece)
Dimitris Ktistakis was born in Larissa. He studied at the Saarland College of Music and Dramatic Art, where he acquired a degree in Piano Teaching and three Postgraduate degrees: in Piano Performance, Choral Conducting and Orchestral Conducting. He was selected in the two-year experimental postgraduate class Lied-Duo with Anne Kathrin Fetik and Professor Irvine Gage. He was the first conductor of the award-winning "Madrigalchor Dillingen" and a scholar of the Richard Wagner Foundation. His assets include recordings for German radio and television as well as appearances as a soloist, conductor, and accompanist of ensembles in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Romania, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia, Sweden, USA and Australia. He is a member of juries in international competitions. He taught "Vocal Ensemble Direction" at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was the conductor of the Kozani Municipal Conservatory. He is the artistic director of the "Trikala Youth Symphony Orchestra" and conductor of the female vocal ensemble "InDONNAtión", with which he holds 4 gold awards in four successive competitions organized by INTERKULTUR. He holds the first Doctoral degree awarded in Greece in Performance of Choral Conducting (DMA). As of January 2016, he has been collaborating with the Greek Radio choir (ERT). Today he is an Assistant Professor at the Music Department of the Ionian University in Corfu, conductor of the Choir, the Vocal Ensemble and teaching the Mixed Choir Conducting Class.
Dr. Maria-Emma Meligopoulou
Maria Emma Meligopoulou holds a Master Degree in Choral Conducting from Boston University CFA and a PhD from Ionian University Music Department. She has also studied Law at Aristotle University.
Currently, she is adjunct Lecturer at Macedonia University, where she teaches choral conducting techniques and directs University Choirs. She is also Professor of Choral Conducting at the New Conservatory of Thessaloniki. She has performed in Greece, Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK), Asia (Israel, Turkey, Singapore, China, Japan), Africa (Egypt, South Africa), America (USA, Canada).
As Choral Director she has been several times recipient of First Prizes with her own Choir “Ss. Cyril & Methodios Choir”, among them the Moscow Sounds Festival, INTERKULTUR Festivals, Loto Quebec Festival (Canada), etc.
She is councilmember of the World Choir Games and she is on demand as lecturer, guest conductor and adjudicator in international symposiums, festivals and workshops in Europe, USA and Asia. In 1992 she founded the Ss. Cyril & Methodios Children’s and Youth Choir, the largest choral organization in Northern Greece with over 250 singers in five departments.
She is author of the textbook Introduction to the Art of Choral Praxis (2011) 3rd Edition in 2013 and the Music Edition: 42 Choral Works for Equal Voices by Greek Composers (2014), both available by Nakas-Papagregoriou Editions, Athens.
Fred Sjöberg
Fred Sjöberg, born 1953, is an educated singer and choral conductor at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm and Örebro. Among others he has studied with Prof. Solwig Grippe, Prof. Eric Ericson and Prof. Helmuth Rilling. He has been the first conductor to conduct the three major international youth choirs as World Youth Choir (1991 and 2005), World Chamber Choir (1993) and European Youth Choir (1999).
When the Swedish organization for young choirs “UngiKör” started he was elected as their first president. In 2000 he was appointed as the “Conductor of the Year” in Sweden by SCDA (Swedish Choral Directors Association) appointed with the Johannes Norrby Medallion for outstanding and 2001 service and development to the Swedish Choral Life. From 1997 to 2004 he was the Music Director and conductor of the project “Notes for Millions”.
From 2000 to 2004 he was also Music Director of the Swedish Choral Centre as well as Artistic Director for Lund International Choral Festival from 2005 to 2006. Since 2009 he is Music Director of Swedish International Choral Centre in Örebro. Fred Sjöberg has been Vice President of Europa Cantat as well as President of the Music Commission of Europa Cantat and has also been Vice President of IFCM.
He is Council Member of INTERKULTUR and also on the Artistic Directorium of INTERKULTUR.
From 2015 he is General Artistic Director of INTERKULTUR.
Tobias Hug (Germany / Great Britain)
Explorer of the human voice, compassionate and inspiring teacher, Tobias Hug has been singing, teaching, travelling for 20 years and is deeply involved with the international choral, beatbox and a cappella scene.
He currently performs with his group ‘Beatvox’, the World Beatbox Team Champions ‘The Beatbox Collective’ and is in high demand as a teacher, adjudicator and coach. A speciality of his is working with and promoting Loop Stations through his ‘Vocaloops’ community.
With the choir ‘London Voices’ he has contributed to countless movie soundtracks (The Hobbit, Interstellar).
From 2001-2012, Tobias sang with Grammy-Award winning a cappella group The Swingle Singers. As their bass and vocal percussionist he was part of seven studio albums, and performed more than 700 concerts.
Tobias is a vocal entrepreneur, co-founding and acting as Artistic Director for many a cappella festivals (e.g Vocalmente, London A Cappella Festival) and, in 2017, co-creating the Worlds Largest Beatbox Choir (6500 children in Hong Kong), entering the Guinness Book of Records.
He holds a Master in Rhythmic Choir Conducting and Vocal Leadership from the Royal Academy of Aalborg.
Dimitris Ktistakis (Greece)
Dimitris Ktistakis was born in Larissa. He studied at the Saarland College of Music and Dramatic Art, where he acquired a degree in Piano Teaching and three Postgraduate degrees: in Piano Performance, Choral Conducting and Orchestral Conducting. He was selected in the two-year experimental postgraduate class Lied-Duo with Anne Kathrin Fetik and Professor Irvine Gage. He was the first conductor of the award-winning "Madrigalchor Dillingen" and a scholar of the Richard Wagner Foundation. His assets include recordings for German radio and television as well as appearances as a soloist, conductor, and accompanist of ensembles in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Romania, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia, Sweden, USA and Australia. He is a member of juries in international competitions. He taught "Vocal Ensemble Direction" at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was the conductor of the Kozani Municipal Conservatory. He is the artistic director of the "Trikala Youth Symphony Orchestra" and conductor of the female vocal ensemble "InDONNAtión", with which he holds 4 gold awards in four successive competitions organized by INTERKULTUR. He holds the first Doctoral degree awarded in Greece in Performance of Choral Conducting (DMA). As of January 2016, he has been collaborating with the Greek Radio choir (ERT). Today he is an Assistant Professor at the Music Department of the Ionian University in Corfu, conductor of the Choir, the Vocal Ensemble and teaching the Mixed Choir Conducting Class.
Ana Meeusen (Belgium)
Already at the age of 7, Ana Meeusen got the taste of singing and choral singing from the youth choir Scaldis Cantat. She obtained her master's degree in singing with Lucienne van Deyck in 2000 at the conservatory in Antwerp. In the meantime, she followed courses at the Lichtenberger institute where she was taught by Ruth Weimer, Gisela Romert and Martin Landzettel. She took courses in overtone singing, voice work and sound healing with Borg Groeneveld, Jan Kortie and Nestor Kornblum and Michele Averard.
Ana gave voice lessons, voice formation, vocal ensemble and choir at the academy of Borgerhout and the conservatory of Antwerp. She has collaborated on productions with Collegium Vocale, Soratea, Brussels Cathedral Choir, the Goeyvaert consort, Reflection, Victoria Consort and puppet theater de Spiegel. She sings as an alto to Currende under the guidance of Erik Van Nevel and Studium Chorale, directed by Hans Leenders.
Within the ekerse C-choir she conducted the youth choir Carmina for 19 years and for 8 years she conducted the Caljenté adult choir, which she also co-founded. Together with Johannes Dewilde, she supervises the training for children's choir conductors in Ghent.
At the Utrecht conservatory she followed the application training for choral conducting. She obtained her diploma with the highest distinction.
In 2012 she has her Chamber Choir Pantarhei born.
Ana also walks the spiritual path. Through a lot of inner work she comes more and more in connection with her authentic self and from there she also gives her workshops, concerts and projects to invite everybody in the experience of singing and sound.
Mārtiņš Ozoliņš (Latvia)
Mārtiņš Ozoliņš is the Chief Conductor of the Latvian National Opera and has worked as the guest conductor with Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Liepāja Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, Kaunas Symphony Orchestra, Leipzig Gewandhaus, Tampere Philarmonic Orchestra, and Orchestra della Fondazione Teatro Lirico “Giuseppe Verdi” di Trieste. He is a graduate of the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music Choir Conducting Department with Prof. Edgars Račevskis and Symphony Orchestra Conducting Department with Prof. Imants Resnis. He improved his professional skills with Helmuth Rilling, Gintaras Rinkevičius, and Vassily Sinaisky. He is the Head of the Department of Orchestra Conducting at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music since 2010.
He has been the laureate of several international conducting competitions including 4th Jorma Panula Conducting Competition. Mārtiņš Ozoliņš has toured to Moscow, Mexico, Tamper, Trieste, Catania, Muscat, Leipzig, Gdansk etc. Mārtiņš Ozoliņš was the Artistic Director of the brass orchestra “Rīga” (2011–2015). He has been the conductor of the LNO since 2005 and the Chief Conductor of the LNO since 2013. From 1997 - 2016 he was artistic director and conductor of mixed choir "Sonore".
Marit Tøndel Bodsberg Weyde (Norway)
Marit Tøndel Bodsberg Weyde is one of Norway’s leading conductors. She teaches conducting at the Norwegian Academy of Music and is Chief Conductor for Kilden Vokalensemble (KVE) in Kristiansand. She is also the conductor and musical director for Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening (KSS) and Den norske Studentersangforening (DnS), both leading academic choirs at the University of Oslo.
Marit has worked with several of Norway’s most prominent choirs and orchestras. Given her experience as a conductor, flautist, and church musician, she has a solid professional foundation to draw on in her work. With her energetic personality and musical dedication, she is not only an acclaimed conductor but also an inspiring and popular teacher and speaker. Marit is much in demand at home and abroad and is frequently invited to sit on panels or asked to adjudicate. She has received several prestigious honours and awards in international choir competitions, and in addition to nine first prizes, Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening was ranked number one in Interkultur’s world ranking of competing female choirs from 2015-2020. Marit has also received several awards for conducting, both in Europe and in Norway.
Marit has participated in numerous highly acclaimed recordings, both as conductor and musical director. Her work has garnered great praise, with reviewers commending her emphasis on language, phrasing, and interpretation. “Stille som sne” with KSS was nominated for OPUS Klassik 2021 in the category “Chorwerk Einspielung”.
Current: In the autumn of 2023 Marit has two new recordings out on LAWO Classics: “Magnificat” with Ellen Andrea Wang and a new Christmas album with DnS. In 2024 she has several projects with Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, where the orchestra will draw on her excellence in choral conducting.
en colaboración con
el Instituto de la Música de la Universidad Jónica
Ayuntamiento de la ciudad Corfú
Prefectura de las Islas Jónicas
Asosiación de Coros de Corfú
Organización "Corfu Events"
apoyado por
Ayuntamiento Corfú
Presidente de INTERKULTUR
Günter Titsch (Alemania)
Comité artístico
Prof. Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß (Alemania), director artístico
Miranda Caldi (Grecia)
Dimitris Ktistakis (Grecia)
Maria Emma Meligopoulou (Grecia)
Fred Sjöberg (Suecia)
INTERKULTUR Executive Committee
Günter Titsch (Alemania)
Qin Wang (China)
Stefan Bohländer (Alemania)
Dr. Christoph Wirtz (Alemania), Secretario General
Organizador es el INTERKULTUR Management GmbH
Libro del programa
Los Grupos Participantes
Nos alegramos de 37 coros participantes de 20 naciones!
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El Aeropuerto Internacional de Corfú-Ioannis Kapodistrias es un aeropuerto en la isla griega de Corfú, que recibe su nombre de Juan Capo d'Istria distinguido diplomático europeo de Corfú y primer gobernador de Grecia, ubicado a 3 kilómetros al sur de Corfu, medio kilómetro al norte de Pontikonisi. La aproximación y aterrizaje, en dirección noreste, ofrece a los pasajeros una espectacular vista aérea de Pontikonisi y el Monasterio de Vlajerna así como las colinas Kanoni de las que la pista se encuentra a escasos centenares de metros. El aeropuerto ofrece vuelos de cabotaje de Olympic Airlines (OA 600, 602 and 606) y Aegean Airlines (A3 402, 404 and 406), pero la gran mayoría de tráfico se produce mediante vuelos chárter en la temporada de verano. Estos van normalmente de Corfú a Paxoi, Lefkada, Ithaki, Kefalonia, Ioannina, Patras y Brindisi en Italia. La mayoría de los vuelos chárter se producen los lunes y los viernes, por la poca tranquilidad durante el resto de la semana, desde que el aeropuerto se encuentra junto a Corfu.
Existe una parada de taxis y bus a fuera de la terminal conectando el aeropuerto con el resto de poblaciones de la isla. Hay autobuses entre la ciudad y Glyfada, Sidari, Paleokastritsa, Roda y Acharavi, Lefkimmi, Lefkimmi y Piri. Otros transporte van dos veces al día a Atenas y Salónica. Hay una red del transporte público que trae los pasajeros a Achilleon, Gouvia, Afra, Pelekas y otros lugares de interés.
Origen: Wikipedia
Resultados de la competición
¡Felicitamos a todos los cantantes por sus resultados! En total entregamos 25 diplomas de oro, 21 de plata y 5 de bronce. ¡Muchas gracias a todos los coros y conjuntos por su participación!
Resultados(670 KB)